@i ##BIBLIOTHECA BUDDHICA. XXIII## abhisamayālankāra-prajñāpāramitā-upadeśa-śāstra ##THE WORK OF BODHISATTVA MAITREYA EDITED, EXPLAINED AND TRANSLATED BY TH.STCHERBATSKY, MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF USSR AND E. OBERMILLER, SECTION SECRETARY OF THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR BUDDHIST CULTURE OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF USSR Fasciculus I INTRODUCTION, SANSCRIT TEXT AND TIBETAN TRANSLATION @ii Printed by order of the Academy of Sciences of USSR June 1929 Perpetual Secretary S. d'Oldenburg Begun in November 1928.- Printed in June 1929 @iii Contents Introduction I-XII Sanscrit Text 1-40 Tibetan Text 1-42 Errata @i INTRODUCTION 1.The place of ##abhisamayālankāra ##in Buddhist Literature. The Buddhist literature as translated, preserved and studied in Tibet and Mongolia is variously classified by the Tibetans. The first most general division is into Scripture## (pravacana = sūtra) ##and Exegesis## (śāstra). ##Next comes a general cross division into## sūtra ##and tantra (mdo and rgyud). The term## sūtra ##is usually applied to the Discourses of Buddha and is, in this accep- tation, a synonym of Scripture. But here it means all literature other than tantra, whether exegesis or scriptural. Tantra is a special mystic worship only loosely connected with Buddhism proper. Thus## sūtra ##in this case would mean Buddhism proper, exclusive of the annected mystic worship. A third cross division is into## hīnayāna, mahāyāna ##and Tan- tra or## vajra-yāna. ##The first class contains the literature of the 18 schools of early Buddhism. The second all the subsequent literature of Buddhism with the exception of Tantra, which forms the third class. The first two## yānas ##of this division are again divided in three:## śrāvaka-yāna, pratyeka-buddha-yāna ##and## bodhisattva-yāna. ##This division refers to the three methods of proceeding along the Path of Salvation towards Final Deliverance in## nirvāna. ##It is the practical side of the doctrine. Its theore- tical part or its philosophy is divided into three (Swingings of the Wheel of the Law) or, as we may simply call it, into three @ii periods. In the first period the philosophy was pluralistic, in the second it was monistic, and in the third it became idealistic and partly critical. The early division of the Buddhist literature into three (baskets), Discipline, Law and Philosophy, was retained in Tibet but merely in theory. The Tibetans themselves are often in doubt about the question, to what basket a work of the later literature must be assigned{1. The division in twelve angas which is discussed by E. Burnouf in his Introduction is also mentioned by Bu-ston, but it is referred not to different works, but to different varieties of style in which the works, or only parts of them even simply passages, are written.}. As a matter for study in the monastic schools of Tibet and Mongolia the whole of Buddhist literature is again divided into ā# lakṡaṇa-yāna{2 mtshan-ñid-theg-pa, ##this term is used by Bu-ston.} ##or the doctrine proper and## mantra- yāna ##or the mystic worship, and there is accordingly in every monastery two schools or faculties, the faculty of the Doctrine## (Tsañid ḍatsan){3 mtshan-ñid-grva-tshan.} ##comprising a theoretical and practical side, and the faculty of mystic worship## (Gyud ḍatsan){4 rgyud-grva-tshan.-##In the large monasteries there are additionally a school of medicine, a school of astronomy and astrology## (kāla-cakra), ##and in Labrang even a school of grammar and music. A survey of the teaching in the schools of Tibet and Mongolia by B. B. Baradiin will appear in the year book of our Institution.} The teaching in the faculty of the Doctrine## (Tsañid ḍatsan) ##comprises 5 different courses: 1) the philosophy of early Bud- dhism## (abhidharma), 2) ##Logic## (pramāṇa), 3) ##The Dialectical Method## (mādhyamika), 4) ##Moral philosophy## (pāramitā) ##and 5) Monastic Discipline## (vinaya). ##In every class a fundamental text## (mūla) ##is learned by heart and commentaries are orally sup- plied by the teacher. The fundamental text for the abhidharma class in## vasu- bandhu's## abhidharmakośa, ##for the class of logic it is @iii ##the## pramāṇa-vārtika ##of## dharmakīrti, ##for the dialec- tical class it is the## mādhyamika-avatāra ##of## candra- kīrti, ##for the class of moral philosophy it is the## abhisa- maya-alankāra ##of## Bodhisattva Maitreya, ##and for the class of Discipline it is the## vinayasūtra ##of## guṇa- prabha. ##The full course lasts for about 12 years. The three first classes deal with the theoretical part of the Buddhist doct- rine, the two last with its practical side. Thus the## abhisamaya-alankāra ##is the fundamental work for the study of the Buddhist doctrine of the Path towards moral perfection and the attainment of the condition of a Buddhist## mahāyānistic ##Saint, and of ā# mahāyānistic ##Buddha in his blessed## nirvāṇa. ##If the## abhidharma, pramāṇa ##and## mādhyamika ##teachings represent three phases of Buddhist philosophy, the## abhisamaya ##represents Buddhism as a religion. The term abhisamaya means direct intuition of the Absolute. Here it means the Path of attaining that intuition{1 Cp. Points of Controversy, p. 382 ff.}, it is a synonym of## mārga. {2 ##The author and his works. The## abhisamaya-alankāra-##the full title is## abhisa- maya-alankāra-nāma-prajñāpāramitā-upadeśa- śāstra-##is one of the five works upon which the## yogācāra ##school of later Buddhism is founded, and whose authorship is, according to the Tibetan tradition, ascribed to## Bodhisattva Maitreya, the future Buddha{2 Cf. my article (Notes de litterature boddhique, La litterature## yogācāra d’apres ##Bouston) in the museon, 1904. Bu-ston reckons 20## yogācāra ##funda- mental works,- 5 by## Maitreya, 7 by## Asanga, ##and 8 by## vasubandhu.}. Maitreya, ##descending from the## tuṡita ##heaven, communicated them to saint## Asanga ##who then composed the commentaries. This pious legend is explained by professor## Sylvain Levi{3 In his Introduction to the Translation of Asnga’s## sūtrālankāra, ##Paris, 1911.} @iv as proving that the works of saint Asanga, initiating a new de- parture in the history of Buddhist philosophy, had attained great popularity and were gradually considered as revealed. Indeed the facts collected by him{1 Ibidem, p. 7-8.} point to the gradual growth of the legend, and the fact that the Indian, Chinese and Tibetan tradi- tions do not agree{2 Originally the great work of## asanga saptadaśabhūmi-śāstra ##alone was reputed as revealed, but later on five other works were assumed as revealed, but not the## saptadaśabhūmi.} ##in the enumeration of those five among the works of## asanga ##to whom a supernatural origin is ascribed, would support this opinion. However professor H. Ui{3 Zeitschr. fur I. u. I., 1928, p. 215 ff.}, in a recent article, expresses his view to the effect that Maitreya (without any doubt was an historical person), who lived in IV century A. D. in Ayodhya, (where he composed some of his works and instructed Asanga who came, having perhaps been told by## piṇḍola, ##from## gandhāra ##in his search for## mahāyāna ##Buddhism). This Maitreya, accord- ing to the same article{4 Ibid., p. 224.}, (ought to be regarded as the founder of the## yogācāra ##school, as much as## nāgārjuna ##is the founder of the## mādhyamika ##school{5 M. E. Obermiller informs me that there is in the Tanjur Mdo, v. XVII, fol. 170-171, a short tract ascribed to## nāgārjuna, ##the## bhava-sankrānti (srid-pa-ḥpho-ba), ##and a commentary## (ṭīkā) ##upon it by## maitreya-nātha (Byams- pa mgon-po). ##This fact can be interpreted either as a support for Prof. Ui’s view, or it would be an indication that such an attribution was at a certain epoch custo- mary in some circles.} Be this as the case may be, it is nevertheless in the high- est degree astonishing that the## abhisamayālaṃkāra, ##which in Tibet and Mongolia is the fundamental work for studying Bud- dhism as a religion, which every educated monk in these count- ries knows by heart, which represents there a Catechism of## mahāyāna, ##which is the starting point of an enormous amount of literary production, both in India and in Tibet,- has never @v been translated into Chinese and is there utterly unknown{1 Ibidem, p.222.}. Neither## Paramārtha ##nor## Hiuen-tsang nor I-tsing ##seem to have noticed it and have imported no copy of it into China. However Vasubandhu had already, in all probability, made it the text book for the study of## prajñā-pāramitā. ##Although he himself has composed no commentary on it, but his pupil and continuator in this department of Buddhist science, the saint Vimukta- sena, has written a detailed commentary{2 ni-khri-snan-ba,cp. Tanjur Mdo, vol.I.} ##which was then followed by a series of other works. Another peculiarity of the## abhisamayālankāra ##is that it ex- pounds the theory of Salvation without alluding to the typical tenets of the## yogācāra ##school. The Tibetan historian and syste- matist## Bu-ston Rin-chen-ḍub ##in his history of Buddhism in Tibet{3 f. 22 ##of the## Lha-sa ##block print edition of the## Bod-chos-ḥbyun.} ##says, that this work of Maitreya is written according to the principles of the## mādhyamika ##school## (hkhor-lobar-ba), ##while the remaining 4 works belong to the## yogācāra ##school. According to## Tson-khapa{4 ##In his## Gser-phren.} ##the## abhisamayālankāra ##follows the principles of the## mādhyamika-svātantrikā ##school, the Uttara- tantra of the same author-those of the## mādhyamika-prāsan- gika, ##and the remaining three works only belong to the## yogā- cāras. ##In fact the theory of Salvation is expounded by later writers either in accordance with the## mādhyamika-svātantrika ##or the## yogācāra ##principles, but not in accordance with the## mādhyamika-prāsangika ##school. 3. Contents and character of the work.## abhisamayālankāra ##is ā# prajñāpāramitā-upadeśa ##and it is ā# śāstra, ##that is to say, it is a systematical exposition of the## pra- jñāpāramitā ##doctrine, of its practical side.## abhisamaya, ##as already @vi mentioned, is here a synonym of## mārga. alankāra ##is the name for a literary form popular with the Buddhists. It means that the work in question contains no full and detailed exposition of the doctrine, it is not ā# mahā-śāstra, ##like the## abhidharmakośa, ##but it is only a short summary{1 According to## S. Levi, op. cit., p. 16, the celebrated passage in Subandhu’s## vāsavadattā, ##contains even a direct reference to the## sūtralankāra ##of## maitreya- asanga. ##But it is more probable that it refers to the Buddhist practice of writing## alankāras ##in general.} of the salient points of the system contained in the## prajñāpāramitā sūtras, ##in all its redac- tions, the one in 100.000## ślokas, ##the one in 25.000## ślokas ##and the one in 8.000## ślokas. ##Really wonderful is the skill, with which the author includes in the terse writing of his mnemonic verses almost every important feature, mentioned in the## sūtras. ##What the term## prajñāpāramitā ##means, is very pregnantly expres- sed by## dignāga ##in the first verse of his## prajñā-pāra- mitā-piṇḍārtha{2 tanjur, ##Mdo, vol. XIV; a commentary by## triratnadāsa ##is also found there.}, ##a work dealing with just the same funda- mental idea as the## abhisamayālankāra, ##and which was probably composed by him as a help for memory during the time he was studying the subject as a pupil of Vasubandhu, attending to his course of## prajñāpāramitā. ##The verse runs as follows##: prajñāpāramitā jñānam advayam, sa tathāgata:, sādhya-tādarthya-yogena tācchābdyam grantha-mārgayo:{3 ##The sanscrit original of this verse is quoted by Haribhadra in his## abhisa- mayālankāra-ālokā ##MS fol. 23b.4-5 (E. Obermiller).}. ##That means##: (prajñāpāramitā ##is Monism, it is that know- ledge (in which subject and object coalesce), it is also Buddha (himself, personified in his Cosmical Body). The word## prajñāpā- ramitā ##means moreover the text (of the## prajñāpāramitā sūtras) ##and the Path of Salvation (which they teach), because the aim (of the text and of the Path) is to produce this (monistic con- sciousness and the condition of a Buddha in his## nirvāṇa). @vii ##Thus, the term## prajñā-pāramitā ##has the following meanings: 1) philosophic Monism, 2) Buddha’s Cosmical Body, 3) the text of the p.-p.## sūtras, ##and 4) the Path towards Salvation according to## mahāyānistic ##principles. It is in this last acceptation, that the## Abhisamayālankāra ##contains a summary of the salient points. It is divided in 8 chapters. The first three deal with three kinds of Omniscience, the Omniscience of the## mahāyānistic ##Bud- dhā# (sarva-ākāra-jñatā = ##Tib.## rnam-mkhyen), ##the Omniscience of the Bodhisattva concerning the Path## (mārga-jñatā = Tib. lam-śes) ##and that kind of Omniscience which is attainable by the## hīnayānistic ##Saint## (sarva-jñatā = ##Tib.## gzhi-śes). ##This term of Omniscience, as applied to the Buddha, carries a totally different connotation than in western religions. It simply means intelli- gible, non-sensuous, intuition, the direct presentation of the world sub specie aeternitatis. That Monism which in philosophy is established by discursive argument the## mahāyānistic ##saint and the## mahāyānistic ##Buddha have the power to intuit directly## (sākṡāt). ##That Buddha is omniscient does not mean that he knows the names of all plants and the names of all animals etc. etc., but it means that he possesses a knowledge of the four truths, that is to say, he possesses in the highest degree philosophic intuition.{1 Cp.## kathāvatthu, II. 2. 22-23.} It is the highest knowledge as conceived by Spinoza, not the kind of omniscience imagined by unphilosophic minds. The next four chapters contain the four so called prayogas or ways of realization of that omniscience. Chapter 4 deals with the method of illumination, concerning the subjective and object- tive aspects of the three forms of Omniscience## (sarvākārābhisam- bodha). ##The next three chapters contain the same stuff, but considered from three different standpoints. Chapter 5 gives the definition of the culminating point of illumination## (mūrdhābhisa- maya), ##chapter 6-of gradual illumination## (anupūrvābhisamaya){2 ##Cp. ibid., II.9.}, @viii chapter 7- of momentary illumination## (ekakṡaṇābhisambodha). ##Finally the 8-th and last chapter contains the doctrine of Bud- dha's Cosmical Body## (dharmakāya), ##or of the disappearing of the individual in the monistic Absolute. Thus the whole## śāstra ##has eight parts dealing with three kinds of omniscience, 4 methods of attaining it, and one final result. It is called the## śāstra ##of eight subjects. It is moreover called the## śāstra ##of 70 points, because the eight subjects in their subdivisions can be analysed into 70 topics. There are other more detailed subdivisions still. The text gives simply their enumeration and their system. It is nothing more than a systematical index, in metrical form, of all technical terms used in the doctrine of the## mahāyānistic ##Path to Salvation. The meaning of these terms is not contained in the## alankāra, ##it must be found in the commentaries without which the work remains absolutely incomprehensible. The subject-mat- ter which is loosely expressed in the## sūtras, ##is systematically arranged in the## śāstra ##and explained in the commentaries. 4. The commentaries. The Tanjur Collection contains translations of 21 works, which are only different commentaries on the## abhisamayālan- kāra, ##some of them showing the connection of its systematical doctrine with the## prajñāpāramitā-sūtra ##in 25.000## ślokas, ##other its connection with the one in 8.000## ślokas. ##The most celeb- rated among the authors of these commentaries are## ārya Vi- muktasena ##(VI-th century), the pupil of Vasubandhu, bha- danta Vimuktasena (VI-VII century), the pupil of the former and## ācārya Haribhadra ##(IX century). The title of the latter's work is as follows##: śrīmad-ācārya-ha- ribhadra-viracitā ārya-aṡṭa-sāhasrika-praj- ñāpāramitā-vyākhyā abhisamayālankāra-ālokā nāma. ##A MS of the original sanscrit text of this work is found in the Minayeff collection of sanscrit MSS of the Public Library @ix of Leningrad{1 No. 107 of the Mironov Catalogue.}. Its edition is in course of preparation by my pupil E. Obermiller##. ārya ##Vimuktasena and Haribhadra are the greatest authorities in the domain of## pāramitā, ##they are often quoted in a dvandva compound as## ḥphags-sen = ārya- harī. ##A full list of all the 21 commentaries will be given by E. E. Obermiller in a paper which will appear in the forth- coming yearbook of our Institution for the Study of Buddhist Culture. The first Tibetan author who has written an independent commentary on the## abhisamayālankāra ##seems to have been the celebrated translator## (lotsaba) Nog Lodan-śeirab{2 rn#og blo-Idan-ses-rab.} (1059- 1109). ##He was followed by a great number of Tibetan authors of the old period. The following are the most celebrated among them :## Chaba-Chogi-senge{3 Phya-pa chos-kyi sen-ge.} (1109-1169),Tsan-nagpa-tson- ḍu-senge{4 Gtsan-nag-pa-brtson-hgrus-sen-ge.} ##(the pupil of the former),## Dolbopa-seirab-gyal-tshan{5 Dol-po-pa ses-rab-rgyal-mtshan.} (1292-1391), Budon-rinchen-dub{6 Bu-ston rin-chen-grub.} (1290-1364), Nyabon- kunga-pal{7 Na-dpon-kun-dgah-dpal.} ##(the pupil of the two preceding ones and the teacher of## Tson-khapa), Rondon-sakya-gyal-tshan{8 Ron-ston sa-kyahi-rgyal-mtshan.} (1367-1449), Rendapa-zhonnu-lodo{9 Red-mdah-pa gzhon-nu-blo-gros.} (1349-1412), ##etc., etc. To the new period belong the works of## Tson-khapa (1357- 1419) ##and his pupils, the works of## Jam-yan-zhadpa{10 Hjam-dbyans-bzhad-pa-nag-dban- brtson-hgrus.} (1648- 1742) ##and an enormous literature of manuals for the study of this subject in monastic schools. The work of## Tson-khapa ##which bears the title of## Gser-phren ##is especially celebrated by its tho- rough, detailed, and clear exposition{11 The full title of the work is##-ses-rab-kyi-pha-rol-tu-phyin-pahi man- nag-gi-bstan-bcos-mnon-par-rtogs-pahi-rgyan hgrel-pa-dan-bcas-pahi rgya- cher-bsad-pa legs-bsad-gser-gyi-phren-ba,##copies in the As.Mus.##}. @x Among brahmanical writers## vācaspatimiṡra ##seems to be the only one who had a direct knowledge of the## prajñā- pāramitā ##doctrine; he examines it in his## nyāya-kaṇika{1 ##Cf.pp. 11 ff., 145, 148 and 150 (of the reprint from the Pandit).}, ##when considering the## prāmāṇya-vāda ##and the## sarvajña-vāda. 5. The plan for investigating the## prajñāpāramitā ##literature. Professor Sylvain Levi has rightly pointed to the great histo- rical issues connected with the## prajñā-pāramitā ##doctrine of the## mahāyāna{2 ##Op. cit., p. 16 ff.}. He suggests foreign influence in the formation of this aspect of Buddhism{3 (La perfection de la Sapience (prajñā-pāramitā) soeur jumelle de la Sophia et de la Gnose de 1’ Asie grecque), ibid.}. ##We have already expressed our opi- nion to the effect that the Central Conception of this form of Buddhism is genuinely Indian, for it is nothing but the Monism of the ancient Upanishads and modern## advaita-vedānta (jñānam advayam){4 ##Cf. my Conception of Buddhist## nirvāṇa, ##Leningrad, 1927.}. The doctrine is moreover much older than## nāgār- juna, ##who only has given it an extreme and very drastic expres- sion. But professor S. Levi is unquestionably right in maintain- ing that three centuries of a lively intercourse between two na- tions so highly intellectual as the ancient Greeks and the Indians were, could not but have resulted in some influences, which probably were reciprocal. Clear historical deductions will be possible when this domain of the Indian literature will have been sufficiently investigated. In two earlier works{5 (Central Conception of Buddhism), London, R. A. S. 1922, and the above mentioned (Conception of Buddhist## nirvāṇa).} ##we have attempted to attain intelligible and precise renderings of Bud- dhist philosophical conceptions of the first and second period of Buddhist philosophy. In a forthcoming work the same will be done regarding its third and concluding period{6 (Buddhist Logic), 2 vol. containing a full translation of the## nyāya-bindu- ṭīkā, ##shortly to appear in the Bibliotheca Buddhica.}. The investiga- @xi tion of the## prajñā-pāramitā ##litterature we propose to carry in the same spirit. Our chief help we derive from## śāstra, ##not from## sūtra. ##This implies a very high appreciation of the works of the great Indian and Tibetan## ācāryas. ##The comprehension of an Indian philosophical text is a task wrought with many difficul- ties. Still more difficult is the comprehension of a work deeply steeped in mysticism. We have found it indispensible to give in all important passages a double translation a strictly literal one, which utterly disregards the exigencies of the tongue into which the text is translated, and a quite free one, which utterly disre- gards the exigencies of the tongue from which it is translated. Only then can the requirement of a strict philological method be brought not to interfere with that clearness and intelligibility, which always will remain the ultimate aim of science. This fasciculus is the first instalment of a series of works devoted to the investigation of the## prajñā-pāramitā ##literature, which our Institution for the Study of Buddhist Culture proposes to undertake and carry out systematically. The next fasciculus will contain 1) an analysis of the 8 subjects and 70 points in which the doctrine of## prajñā-pāramitā ##is systematized, 2) a table of the 173 aspects of the three kinds of Omniscience, 3) a table showing the concordance between the## abhisamayālankāra ##and the## aṡṭā-sāhasrikā ##and## pañcaviṃśati-sāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā sūtras, ##4) an Index verborum of the## śāstra, ##Sanscrit-tibetan and Tibetan-sanscrit. All this work will be carried out by the Sektion Secretary of our Institution Dr. E. Obermiller. He has also undertaken, as already mentioned, an edition of the sanscrit text of Haribhadra’s commentary. A translation of the## śāstra ##will then follow which will make use of all the materials available. The sanscrit text of the## Abhisamayālankāra ##has been pre- pared by me from two Mss of the Cambridge University Library No. No. Add. 1628 and 1629, where it is placed at the beginning @xii before the text of the## pañcaviṃśatisāhasrikā prajñāpāramitā. ##The circumstance that it is a separate work has apparently escaped the attention of the compiler of the catalogue, Professor Cecil Bendall. They are respectively referred to as MSS. A and B. The whole text of the## abhisamayālankāra ##is moreover con- tained in Haribhadra’s## āloka. ##It is referred to as MS. C. For the reference to this MS I am indebted to E. Obermiller who writes about it (No. 107 of the Minayev collection, Miro- nov’s Catalogue)-(it is a modern copy in## devanāgarī ##charac- ters from a Napalese## lañcā ##original. It contains an unusually great number of mistakes owing to the insufficient knowledge by the scribe of the## lañcā ##alphabet; so## kṡa ##always stands for## hya, kya, jya, ##etc##., śa ##is frequently mistaken for## ṇa, va ##for## ca, bha ##for## ta ##and vice versa. Of these errors only the most striking have been quoted in the notes. In two passages, II, 6 and VIII, 4 this MS. fills up lacunes where the Tibetan version alone would not have sufficed to recover the original text). The Tibetan translation is the work of the great translator## (lotsaba) Nog Londan-śeirab (1059-1109){1 Rnog blo-Idan-śes-rab.},##with the collabo- ration of the Indian pandit Amaragomin##{2 Go-mi-hchi-med.}. ##This Lodan śeirab, ##as already mentioned, has also written an independent commen- tary on the## abhisamayālankāra. ##The first translator was## Ka-pa Paldzeg{3 Ka-pa-dpal-brtsegs.} ##(IX century). The text here printed agrees with the block-print of the Aga monastery. In correcting the proofs E. Obermiller has consulted Hari- bhadra and the Commentaries of## Tson-khapa ##and## jam-yan- zhad-pa. Th. Stcherbatsky. @001 abhisamayālaṃkāranāmaprajñāpāramitopadeśaśāstram || krtirmaitreyanāthasya || oṃ namo maitreyanāthāya || {1. ##Bendall’s Cat.## ya: ##Both MSS.## yā.}yā sarvajñatayā nayatyupaśamaṃ {2. ##A.## sāṃteṡiṇa:.}śāntaiṡiṇa: śrāvakān | yā mārgajña{3. ^jñatayāṃ.}tayā jagaddhitakrtāṃ lokārthasaṃpādikā | sarvākā {4. ##B.## sarvākāla^.}rāmadaṃ vadanti munayo viśvaṃ yayā saṃgatam {5. ##B.## saṅgatā.} | {6. ##C.## tasmai.}tasyai śrāvakabodhisattvagaṇino buddhasya mātre nama: || sarvākārajñatāmārga: {7. ##A. B.## śāsitā, ##C.## śāsigatā (##sic !##).}śāsitrā yo ‘tra deśita: | dhīmanto vīkṡi{8. ##A.## ^ṡīramtama^, ##C.## ^kṡaṡāraṃstama^.}ṡīraṃstamanālī {9. ##C.## ^manālīṡarairiti.}ḍhaṃ parairiti ||1|| smrtau cā{10. ##C.## bodhāya.}dhāya sūtrārthaṃ dharmacaryāṃ daśātmikām | {11. ##A.## sukhekhena pra^.}sukhena pratipat{12. ##A.## ^patmīra^, ##B.## ^patsīrana^, ##C.## ṡastīravityā^ (##sic !##).}sīrannityārambhaprayojanam ||2|| @002 prajñāpāramitāṡṭābhi: {1. ##A.## padārthe:, ##C.## padārthā:.}padārthai: samudīritā{2. ##A.## ^dīrita; ##B.## ^thai: samudīrityatā(##sic !##).} | sarvākārajñatā mārgajñatā sarvajñatā tata: ||3|| sarvākārābhisaṃbodho mūrdha{3. ##A.## mūrddhaprāptā ‘nupūrvika:, ##B.## mūddhaprāpto‘nupūrvi, ##C.## ‘nupūrvikā:.}prāpto ‘nupūrvika: | ekakṡaṇābhisaṃbodho dharmakāyaśca te ‘ṡṭadhā {4. ##A.## ^ṡṭedhā.} ||4|| cittotpādo ‘vavāda{5. ##A.## vavādaṃśca, ##C.## cavādaśca. }śca nirvedhāṅgaṃ{6. ##A.## ^dhāṅgaśca^; ##B.## dhāṅgakca, ##C.## dhāṅgañcatuvidhā.} caturvidham | ādhāra: pratipatteśca dharmadhātusvabhāvaka: ||5|| ālambanaṃ {7 ##B.## ^mvanasamu^, ##C.## ^mbanaṃ mambadeśa:.} samuddeśa: sannāhaprasthitikriye {8. ##A.## prasthitakriyā.} | saṃbhā{9. ##C.## saṃbhārośca.}rāśca sānaryāṇā: sarvākāra{10. ##A.## ^kāragatā (##sic !##). mune:.}jñatā mune: ||6|| {11. ##A. B.## dhyāmīka^, ##C.## vyāmekaraṇarādī^ (##sic !##).}śyāmīkaraṇatādīni {12. ##C.## śiṡikhaḍgamagho.}śiṡyakhaḍgapathau ca yau | mahānuśaṃso{13. ##B.## ^nuśaso daṅmārga, ##C.##naśasau drśmārga.}drgmārga aihikāmutrikairguṇai: ||7|| kāritramadhimuktiśca stuta{14. ##B.## stustobhita^.}stobhita{15. ##A.## śatmitā:, ##B.## śanmitā:, ##C.## ṇasita: (##sic !##).}śastitā: | pariṇāme ‘numode ca manaskārāvanuttamau ||8|| nirhāra:{16. ##A.## nirhāraśu^.} śuddhiratya{17. ##B.## śuddhiraṃtyattami^, ##C.## śuddhiraṃbhyattami^.}ttamityayaṃ bhāvanāpatha: | vijñānāṃ bodhisattvānāmiti mārgajñatodatā ||9|| @003 prajña{1. ##A. B.## prajñayogabhave sthānaṃ, ##C.## prajñā nab have sthānaṃ.}yā nab have sthānaṃ krpayā na {2. ##A.## na same.}śame sthiti: | anupāyena {3. ##A.## duratva^}dūratvamupāyenāvidu{4. ##B.## ^yenāpi dūratā.}ratā ||10|| vipakṡapratipakṡau ca prayoga:{5. ##C.## prayogā:.} samatāsya ca | daṅmārga: śrāvakādīnāmiti sarvajñateṡyate ||11|| ākārā: saprayogāśca guṇadoṡā: salakṡaṇā: | mokṡanirvedhabhāgīye śaikṡo{6. ##C.## śaiko.} ‘vaiva{7. ##C.## ‘vaivarttitā.}rtiko gaṇa: ||12|| samatā bhavaśāttyośca kṡetre{8. ##C.## kṡetraśuddhira^.} śuddhiranuttarā | sarvākārābhisaṃbodha eṡa sopāyakauśala: ||13|| liṅgaṃ tasya vivrddhiśca nirūḍhi{9. ##B.## nirūḍhicitta^.}ścittasaṃsthiti: | catur{10. ##A.## caturdhāśca.}dhā ca vikalpasya prati{11. ##C.## pratipakṡāścaturvidhā:.}pakṡaścaturvidha: ||14|| pratyekaṃ darśanākhye ca bhāvanā{12. ##C.## ^nākhe.}khye ca vartmani | ānattaryasamādhiśca saha vipratipattibhi: ||15|| mūrdhābhi{13. ##B.## ^bhirsamaya^ (##sic !##)} samayastredhā{14. ##C.## ^stridhā.}daśadhā {15. ##A.## daśādhārānupū^.}cānupūrvika: | ekakṡaṇābhisaṃbodho lakṡaṇena caturvidha: ||16|| svā{16. ##C.## svātāvika: (##sic !##).}bhāvika: {17. ##C.## samāmbhogo (##sic !##).}sasaṃbhogo nairmāṇiko ‘parastathā | dharmakāya: {18. ##B. C.## ^kāyasakā^.} sakāritraścaturdhā samudīrita: |||17|| @004 cittotpāda: {1. ##C.## parārthā samyaksaṃbodhi^. }parārthāya samyaksaṃbodhikāmatā | samāsavyāsata: sā ca yathāsūtraṃ sa cocyate ||18|| {2. ##A##. hebhūmaca^, ##C##. bhūheca^.} bhūhemacandrajvala{3. ##C.## kṡalanairni^.}nairnidhi{4. ##C.## ^nakārārṇavai: (##sic !##.)}ratnākarārṇavai: | vajrācalauṡadhīmitraiścintāmaṇyarkagītibhi: ||19|| nrpagañjamahāmārgayāna{5. ##C.## praśavaṇādakai: (##sic !##).}prasravaṇodakai: | ānandoktinadīmeghairdvāviṃśratividha: {6. ##A.## dvāviṃśativiṃśatividha: saca: | (##sic !##).} sa ca ||20|| {7. ##A.## pratipaṃnnau.} pratipattau ca satyeṡu buddharatnādiṡu triṡu | asaktāvapariśrāntau {8. ##C.## pratipansamirigrahe.}pratipatsaṃparigrahe ||21|| cakṡu:ṡu pañcasu jñeya: {9. ##C.## ṡaḍabhijñāguṇeṡu.}ṡaṭsvabhijñāguṇeṡu ca | drgmārge bhāvanākhye cetyavavādo daśātmaka: ||22|| mrdutīkṡṇendri{10. ##A.## ^ndriyo, ##C.## ^ndriṡyai (##sic !##).}yau śraddhādrṡṭiprā{11. ##A.## ^prāpto.}ptau kulaṃkulau | ekavīcyantarotpadya kārākārākaniṡṭhagā: ||23|| {12. ##C.## srutastayo (##sic !##).}plutāstryo bhavasyāgraparago {13. ##A. B.## paramo.}ruparāgahā | drṡṭadharmaśrama:{14. ##A.## ^sama:, ##B.## ^samakāya^.} kāya{15. ##C.## śākṡo.}sākṡī khaḍgaśca viṃśrati: ||24|| ālambanata ākārāddhetutvātsaṃparigrahāt | caturvikalpasaṃyogaṃ yathāsvaṃ bhajñatāṃ satām ||25|| @005 {1. ##C.## śrāvaketya: satya: sakhaḍgebyā (##sic !##).} śrāvakebhya: sakhaḍgebhyo bodhisattvasya {2. ##C.## tyāyana: (##sic !##).}tāyina: | mrdumadhyādhimātrāṇāmūṡmādīnāṃ viśriṡṭatā ||26|| ālambanamanityādi satyā{3. ##A.## ślatya^, ##B.## ślabhya^, ##C.## satyācāraṃ.}dhāraṃ, tadākrti: | niṡedho {4. ##C.## iti: nive^.}’bhiniveśādera{5. ##A.## ^śāde he^, ##C.## ^ṡāde he^.}, heturyānatrayāptaye ||27|| rūpādyāyavyayau, viṡṭhāsthitī{6. ##A.## sthiti.} prajñapt{7. ##A.## prajñaptavādyate, ##B.## prajñaptyavādyate.}yavācyate | rūpādāvasthitisteṡāṃ tadbhāvenāsvabhāvatā ||28|| tayormitha:{8. ##B.## ^rmirtha:.} svabhāvatvaṃ tadanityādyasaṃsthiti: | tāsāṃ ta{9. ##A. B.## tāsāntabhāva^.}dbhāvaśūnyatvaṃ mitha:{10. ##C.## mithasvabhāvyame^.} svābhāvyametayo: ||29|| {11. ##A. C.## anugraho. }anudgraho yo dharmāṇāṃ, {12. ##A. C.## dhamarṇittānimittā^.}tannimittāsamīkṡaṇam | parīkṡaṇaṃ ca prajñayā{13. ##A. B.C.## prajñāyā:.}sarvasyānu{14. ##^C.## palambha.}palambhata: ||30|| rūpādera{15. ##A. B.## rūpādeva sva^, ##C.## rūpāderarasva^.}svabhāvatvaṃ, tadabhāvasvabhāvatā | tadajātiraniryāṇaṃ, śruddhis, tadanimittatā ||31|| tannimittānadhiṡṭhānānadhi{16. ##A.## ^ṡṭhānāṃnadhīmu^.}muktirasaṃjñatā | {17. ##C.## samādhiṃ.}samādhis, tasya kāritraṃ, vyākrtir, mananā{18. ##A.## vyākrtimananā^.}kṡaya: ||32|| @006 mithastrikasya svābhāvyaṃ, samādheravikalpanā | iti nirvedhabhāgīyaṃ mrdumadhyādhi{1. ##C.## ^dhimātra.}mātrata: ||33|| dvaividhyaṃ grāhyakalpasya vastutatpratipakṡata:{2. ##A.## vastutatpratipakṡa:.} moharā{3. ##A.## ^rāṇyādi^.}śyādibhedena pratyekaṃ navadhā tu sa:{4. ##C.## śā (##sic !##).} ||34|| {5. ##C.## ḍavya^.}dravyaprajñaptyadhiṡṭhā{6. ##A.## ^ṡṭhāne, ##B.## ^ṡṭhāno.}no dvividho grāhako mata: | svatantrātmādirūpeṇa, skandhādyāśrayatastathā ||35|| cittānavalīnatvādinai:svābhāvyādideśaka: | taddvipakṡaparityāga: sarvathā saṃparigraha: ||36|| ṡoḍhā{7. ##A.## ṡāḍhā^, ṡoḍhāyadigama^ (##sic !##).}dhigamadharmasya pratipakṡa{8. ##A.## pratipasya.}prahāṇayo: | {9. ##A.## tayopa^}tapo: paryupayogasya prajñāyā: krpayā saha ||37|| śiṡyāsādhāraṇatvasya parārthānukramasya ca | {10. ##c.## jñānasyādyatta^ (##sic !##).}jñānasyāyatnavrtteśca pratiṡṭhā gotramucyate ||38|| dharmadhātorasaṃbhedā{11. ##B.## ^bhedo ‘ṅgātra^ .}dgotrabhedo na yujyate | ādheyadharmabhedāttu tadbheda: {12. ##C.## parity#yata (##sic !##).}pāragīyate ||39|| ālambanaṃ sarvadharmāste puna: kuśalādaya: | laukikādhigamākhyāśca ye ca lokottarā matā: ||40|| @007 sāsra{1. ##B.## sāśravānāśravā.}vānāsravā dharmā: saṃskrtāsaṃskrtāśca ye | śiṡyasādhāraṇā dharmā ye{2. ##B.## yai vāsā^.} cāsādhāraṇā mune: ||41|| sarvasatvāgratācittaprahāṇādhigama{3. ##B.## ^dhigame traye.} traye | tribhirmahattvai{4. ##C.## ^ruḍuśā.}ruddeśo vijñeyo ‘yaṃ svayaṃbhu{5. ##A.## svayastuvām, ##C.## tūvām (##sic !##).}vām ||42|| dānādau ṡaḍvidhe teṡāṃ pratyekaṃ saṃgraheṇā yā | sannāhapratipātta: sā ṡaḍbhi: śaṭkairyathoditā ||43|| dhyānā{6. ##B.## dhyānarūpyeṡu, ##C.## rūpyesu.}rūpyeṡu dānādau {7. ##C.## mārya (##sic !##).}mārge maitryādikeṡu ca | {8. ##A.## tato^. gatopalambhayoge ca trimaṇ{9. ##A.## (?) trimaṇutva (?).}ḍalaviśuddhiṡu ||44|| uddeśe ṡaṭsva{10. ##C.## ṡaṭsa bhijñāsva.}bhijñāsu sarvākārajñatānaye | prasthānapratipajjñeyā mahāyānādhirohiṇī {11. ##A.## ^rohinī.} ||45|| {12. ##c.## yadā dānādikaṃ.}dayā dānādikaṃ ṡaṭkaṃ śamatha: {13. ##A. B.## śimatha, ##C.## samatha:.} savidarśana: | yuganaddhaśca yo {14. ##A.## mārgā.}mārga upāye {15. ##c.## yarvakauśalaṃ.}yacca kauśalam ||46|| jñānaṃ {16. ##A.## jñānapuṇyaśca. }puṇyaṃ ca mārgaśca dhāraṇī bhūmayo daśa | pratipakṡaśca vijñeya: saṃbhā{17. ##B.## sambhora^.}rapratipatkrama: ||47|| labhyate prathamā bhūmirdaśadhā parikarmaṇā | āśayo hitavastutvaṃ sattveṡu samacittatā ||48|| @008 tyāga: {1. ##A.## tyāgasevātvamitrāṇāṃ, ##B.## tyāgasaṃvā ca mi^, ##C.## tyāgā: sevā ca mi^.} sevā ca mitrāṇāṃ saddharmālambanai{2. ##A.## sadharmmālaṃbanai^, ##B.## saddharmmālaghanai^, ##C.## saddharmālambanaiṡiṇā. }ṡaṇā | sadānai{3. ##A.## naikramya, ##C.## naiṡkarmya.}ṡkramyacittatvaṃ buddhakāyagatā sprhā ||49|| dharmasya deśanā satyaṃ daśamaṃ vākyamiṡ{4. ##C.## ^ṡyato.}yate | jñeyaṃ{5. ##A.## jñeyaśca.} ca parikarmaiśca svabhāvānupalambhata: ||50|| śīlaṃ krtajñatā kṡānti: pramodyaṃ mahatī krpā | gauravaṃ guruśuśrūṡā vīryaṃ dānādike ‘ṡṭamam ||51|| atrptatā śrute dānaṃ dharmasya ca nirāmiṡaṃ | {6. ##C.## buddhakṡetra: saṃsārāyarikheditā.}buddhakṡetrasya saṃśuddhi: saṃsārāparikheditā ||52|| hrīrapatrāpyamityetatpañcadhāmananātmakam | vanāśālpaicchatā tuṡṭi{7. ##A.## tuṡṭiṡṭaṃtisaṃlekhalevanaṃ, ##C.## tuṡṭitasaṃlekha^.}rvratisaṃlekhasevanam ||53|| śikṡāyā aparityāga: kāmānāṃ {8. ##B.## kāmānāmrjugu^, ##C.## kāmānāṃ ca kṡugupsanaṃ.}vijñupsanaṃ | nirvrtsarvāstisaṃtyāgo ‘navalīnā{9. ##B.## ^līnānapekṡete, ##A.## ^nupekṡete, ##C. ## saṃtyāgovalīnatvānapekṡate.}napekṡate ||54|| saṃstavaṃ kulamātsaryaṃ sthānaṃ saṃgaṇikāvahaṃ | {10. ##A.## ātmotkarṡe.}ātmotkarṡaparāvajñe karmamārgānda{11. ##A.## karmamārganadaśā^.}śāśubhān ||55|| mānaṃ stambhaṃ viparyāsaṃ vimatiṃ{12. ##C.## vimataṃ.} kleśamarṡaṇam | vivarjñansamāpnoti {13. ##C.## deśatātpañcamīstum ##(sic !)##.}daśaitānpañcamoṃ bhuvam ||56|| @009 dānaśīlakṡamāvīryadhyānaprajñāprapūraṇāt | śiṡya{1. ##B.## ^khaḍgaṃ.}khyaḍgasprhātrāsaceta{2. ##A.##^trāsaṃcaitasāṃ.}sāṃ parivarjñaka: ||57|| yācito ‘navalīnaśca sarvatyāge ‘pyadurmanā:{3. ##C.## ^rmana.} | krśo pi nārthināṃ{4. ##B.## nārthinā kṡeptā, ##C.## nārthinā kṡeptāṃ.}kṡeptā ṡaṡṭhīṃ{5. ##A. B.## ṡaṡṭhībhūmiṃ.} bhūmiṃ {6. ##C.## samastata.}samaśrute ||58|| ātmasattvagraho jñīvapuḍgalocchedaśāśvatā: | nimittahe{7. ##A. C.## ^heto:.}tvo: skandheṡu dhātuṡvāyataneṡu ca ||59|| trai{8. ##C.## taidhātuke.}dhātuke pratiṡṭhānaṃ saktirālīnacittatā | ratnatritayaśrīleṡu taddr{9. ##A.## tadaṡṭhya^.}ṡṭyabhiniveśitā ||60|| śūnyatāyāṃ vivādaśca tadvirodhaśca viṃśati: | kalaṅkā yasya vicchinnā: saptamīmetyasau bhuvam{10. ##C.## bhūvam.} ||61|| trivimokṡamukhajñānaṃ trimaṇḍalaviśuddhitā{11 ##C.## viśuddhatā.} | karuṇāmananādharmasamataikanaya{12. ##A.## ^kerayatā (?).}jñatā ||62|| anutpādakṡamājñānaṃ {13. ##C.## dharmaṇātmakavikaraṇā ##(sic !)##.}dharmāṇāmekadheraṇā | kalpanāyā: samuddhāta:{14. ##B.## saddhāta:, ##A.## samudyāta:.} saṃjñādrk{15. ##A.## ^dvakrakleśa^, ##C.## drkkleśavarjñanā.}kleśavarjñanam ||63|| śamathasya ca nidhyapti: kauśalaṃ ca vidarśane | citta{16. ##C.## cittasyādāttatā^.}sya dāttatājñānaṃ sarvatrāpratighāti ca ||64|| @010 {1. ##A.## saptera^.}sakterbhūmiryatrecchaṃ kṡetrāttaragati: sama{2. ##A. deest samaṃ, ##C.## ^gatisama ##(sic !)##.}m | sarvatra svātmabhāvasya darśanaṃ ceti viṃśati: ||65|| sarvasattvamanojñānamabhijñākrīḍa{3. ##A. B. C.## ^krīḍane.}naṃ śubhā | buddhakṡetrasya niṡpattirbuddhasevāparīkṡaṇe ||66|| akṡajñānaṃ ji{4. ##A.## ^kṡetraṃ śruddhimāyo^, ##B.C.## ^kṡetraśruddhi^.}nakṡetraśruddhirmāyopamā sthiti: | saṃcittya ca bhavādānamidaṃ karmāṡṭa{5. ##C.## ^ṡṭacoditaṃ.}dhoditaṃ ||67|| praṇidhānānyanattāni devādīnāṃ rutajñatā | nadīva{6. ##A. B.## nadī ca.} pratibhānānāṃ garbhāva{7. ##A.## gabhavakratti^.}krāttiruttamā ||68|| kulajñātyośca gotra{8. ##C.## grātusya ##(sic !)##.}sya parivārasya jñanmana: | naiṡkramyabodhivrkṡāṇāṃ{9. ##A.## ^vrkṡānāṃ} guṇa{10. ##A.## guṇapareśca, ##C.## guṇapūresva.}pūreśca saṃpada: ||69|| nava {11. ##A.## bhūmira^.}bhūmīratikramya buddhabhūmau pratiṡṭhate | yena jñānena sā jñeyā daśamī bodhasattvabhū: ||70|| pratipakṡo ‘ṡṭadhā jñeyo darśanābhyāsamārgayo: | grāhyagrāhāvakal{12. ##C.## ^kekalpanānāmaṡṭānāmūyasāttaye ##(sic !)##.}pānāmaṡṭānāmupaśāntaye ||71|| uddeśe samatāyāṃ ca sattvārthe yatnavarjñane | atyantāya{13. ##A.## atyantā ya ca, ##C.## atyantāya ca.} ca niryāṇaṃ niryāṇaṃ prāptilakṡaṇam ||72|| @011 sarvākārajñatāyāṃ ca niryāṇaṃ mārgagocaram | niryāṇapratipajñjñeya seyamaṡṭāvadhātmikā ||73|| abhisamayālaṅkāre prajñāpāramitopadeśaśāstre sarvākārajñatādhikāra: prathama: || {1. ##A. B.## dhyāmī^, ##C.## vyāme^.}śyāmīkaraṇatā bhābhirdevānāṃ yogya{2. ##B.## yogatāṃ.}tāṃ prati | viṡayo niyato {3. ##C.## prāpti:.}vyāpti: svabhāva{4. ##A. B.## svabhāvatasya.}stasya karma ca ||1|| caturṇāmāryasatyānāmākārānupalambhata: | śrāvakāṇāmayaṃ mārgo jñeyo {5. ##A.## mārgojñatā^.}mārgajñatānaye ||2|| rūpādiskandhaśūnya{6. ##B.## śunyatācchu^, ##C.## ^śūnyatācchanya^.}tvācchūnyatānāmabhedata: | {7. ##A. omits 2/1/2 slokas beginning## ūṡmaṇo.}ūṡmaṇo, ‘nupalambhena teṡāṃ {8. ##B.## mūddha^.}mūrdhagataṃ mata{9. ##C. omits##.}m ||3|| {10. ##B.## kṡāttiyasta^, ##C.## kṡāttayā: teṡu.}kṡāttayasteṡu nityādiyogasthānaniṡedhata: | daśabhūmī: samārabhya vistārāsthānadeśanāt ||4|| agradharmagataṃ proktamāryaśrāvakavartmani | tatkasya hetorbuddhena {11. ##C.## budhyādharma^.}buddhā dharmāsamīkṡaṇāt ||5|| paropadeśavaiya{12. ##B.## vaiyaṡṭya.}rṡṭayaṃ svayaṃbodhātsvayaṃbhuvāṃ | gambhīra{13. ##A. B. omits 4 syllalbles after## ^bhuvāṃ}tā ca jñānasya khaḍgānāmabhidhīyate ||6|| @012 śru{1. ##C.## sraśruṡā ##(sic !)##.}śrūṡā yasya yasyārthe yatra yatra yathā yathā | sa so ‘rtha: khyātyaśabdopi tasya tasya tathā tathā ||7|| yāhyārthakalpanāhānād grāhakasyāpra{2. ##B.## ^prahānata:.}hāṇata: | ādhārataśca vijñeya: khaḍgamārgasya saṃgraha: ||8|| prajña{3. ##A.## prajñaptāraviro^, ##B.## prajñaptyaraviro^.}pterāvarodhena dharmatāsūcanā{4. ##A. B.## ^krtī.}krta: | ūṡma{5. ##C.## ūṡmagataṃ.}gaṃ, mūrdhaga rūpādyahānādi{6. ##C. omits##.}prabhāvirtam ||9|| adhyātmaśūnyatādyābhī rū{7. ##B.## rūpādeva^}pāderaparigrahāt{8. ##A.## ^raparigraho (?).} | kṡāntī, {9. ##A.## kṡāntirū^}rūpādyanutpādā{10. ##A.## ^nutpādākārai^.}dyākārairagradharmatā ||10|| kṡāntijñāna{11. ##A.## ^kṡaṇi: (?).}kṡaṇai: satyaṃ satyaṃ prati caturvidhai: | mārgajñatāyāṃ daṅmārga: sānuśaṃso ‘ya{12. ##B.## ^śansomamucyate, ##A.## ^śanmoyamucyate, ##C.## santūśaṃso ‘yamucyate.}mucyate ||11|| ādhā{13. ##A.## ādhāradheyatā^, ##C.## ādhāradheyatā^.}rādheyatā’bhāvāttatha{14. ##B.## ^tāvuyormmiatha:, ##A.## ^tāvuddhayo mitha:.}tābuddhayormitha: | paryāyeṇānanujñānaṃ, maha{15. ##A.## mahantā, ##B.## mahaṃtā.}ttā,sāpramāṇatā ||12|| parimāṇāntatā’bhā{16. ##B.## ^'bhāvau, ##A.## ^bhāvo.}vo, rūpāderava{17. ##A. B.## rūpādevavadhāraṇaṃ.}dhāraṇam | {18. ##A.## tasyā.}tasyāṃ sthitasya buddhatve, {19. ##A. B.## ^tve ‘nugrahā^.}’nudgrahātyāga:tādaya: ||13|| @013 maitryādi, śrūnyatā,{1. ##B.## ^śrūnyātā.} prāptirbuddhatvasya, parigraha: | sarvasya vyavadānasya, sarvādhivyādhiśāntanam ||14|| nirvāṇagrāhaśāntatvaṃ, buddhebhyo rakṡaṇādikam | aprāṇivadhamārabhya sarvākārajñatānaye ||15|| svayaṃsthitasya sattvānāṃ sthāpanaṃ, pariṇā{2. ##A.## pariṇāmalaṃ.}manam | dānādīnāṃ ca saṃbodhāviti mārgajñatākṡaṇā: ||16|| sarvato damanaṃ nāma: {3. ##B.## sarvataklethape: (##sic !), C.## sarvata: kleśaṃnirjñaya:.}sarvata: kleśanirjñaya: | upakramāviṡa{4. ##C.## ^viṡakṡātvaṃ bodhirādhāramokṡatā (##sic ! ##).}ktatvaṃ bodhirādhārapūjyatā ||17|| adhimuktistridhā jñeyā svārthā ca svaparārthikā | {5. ##C.## parārthiko vetyeṡā.}parāsthikaivetyeṡā ca pratyekaṃ trividheṡyate ||18|| mrdvī Madhyādhimātrā ca mrdumrdvādibhedata: | sā punastrividhetyeyaṃ saptaviṃśatidhā matā ||19|| stuti: stobha:{6. ##A.## kobha:, ##C.## stota:.} praśaṃsā{7. ##A. B.## prasaṃsā, ##C.## prasasā (##sic !##).}ca prajñāpāramitāṃ prati | adhimokṡasya mātrāṇāṃ navakaistribhiriṡyate{8. ##C.## ^riṡṭate.} ||20|| viśeṡapariṇāmastu tasya kāritramuttamam | nopalambhākrtiścāsāvaviparyāsalakṡaṇa: ||21|| @014 vivikto buddhapuṇyaughasvabhāvasmrtigocara: | sopāyaścānimittaśca buddhairabhyanumodita: ||22|| traidhātukāprapannaśca pariṇāmo ‘parastridhā | mrdumadhyā{1. ##A.## mrdurmadhyodhi^, ##B.## mrdumadhyodhi^.}dhimātraśca mahāpuṇyodayātmaka: ||23|| upāyānupalambhābhyāṃ śrubhamūlānumo{2. ##B.## ^modamā (##sic !##).}danā | anumode manaskārabhāvaneha vidhīyate ||24|| svabhāva: śreṡṭhatā tasya sarvasyānabhisaṃskrti: | nopalambhena dharmāṇāmarpaṇā ca mahārthatā ||25|| buddhasevā ca dānādirūpāye yacca kauśalam | hetavo ‘trādhimokṡasya, dharmavyasanahetava: ||26|| mārādhiṡṭhānagambhīradharmatānadhimukta{3. ##A.## ^muktaṃ te.}te | {4. ##C.## skandhādibhiniveśaśca.}skandhādyabhiniveśaśca pāpamitraparigraha: ||27|| {5. ##C.## phalaviśuddhiśca rūpādiviśuddhireva.}phalaśuddhiśca rūpādiśuddhireva tayo{6. ##A.## tayādvaryo: (##sic !##). ##C.## tayordvayo:.}rdvayo: | abhinnācchinnatā yasmāditi śuddhirudīritā ||28|| kleśajñeyatrimārgasya śi{7. ##C.## śiṡakhaḍga^.}ṡyakhaḍgajinaurasām | hānādviśuddhirātya{8. ##A.## ^rātyantikīrtta^, ##B.## ^rābhyantikīrtta^.}ntikī tu buddhasya sarvathā ||29|| @015 mrdumrdvādiko mārga: śuddhi{1. ##A. B.## śuddhinavasu, ##C.## śuddhinnavasu.}rnavasu bhūmiṡu | adhimātrādhimātrādermalasya pratipakṡata: ||30|| tridhātupratipakṡatvaṃ samatā{2. ##B.## samatānameyayo: ##(sic !), C.## samatāyānameyayo:.} mānameyayo: | mārgasya ceṡyate tasya codyasya parihārata: ||31|| abhisayayālaṅkare prajñāpāramitopadeśaśāstre mārgajñatādhikāro dvitīya:{3. ##A. B.## ^dhikārapariccheda:.} || nā{4. ##C.## nāpareṇapare.}pare na pare tīre nāntarāle tayo:{5. ##B. C.## tayosthitā.}sthitā | adhvanāṃ samatājñānāt prajñāpāramitā ma{6. ##A.## matā:.}tā ||1|| anupāyena dūraṃ sā{7. ##A.## dūraṃ sāṃlanimitta^(##sic. !##).}sanimittopalambhata: | upāya{8. ##B.## upāyākauśalenā^.}kauśalenāsyā:{9. ##A.## ^nāsyā.} samyagāsanna{10. ##C.## samyagāsannoditā.}toditā ||2|| rūpādiskandhaśūnyatve dharmeṡu tryadhvageṡu ca | {11. ##C.## rānādau (##sic. !##).}dānādau bodhipakṡeṡu caryāsaṃjñā vipakṡatā{12. ##B.## ^pakṡato.} ||3|| dānādiṡvana{13. ##B.## ^nahakāra:.}haṃkāra: pareṡāṃ tanniyojanam | saṃga{14. ##A.## ^koṭi^, ##B.## ^koṭī^.}koṭiniṡedho ‘yaṃ sūkṡma: saṃgo jinādiṡu ||4|| @016 tadgāmbhīryaṃ prakrtyaiva vivekāddharmapaddha{1 ##A.## vivakāddhamayaiddhate:, ##C## vivekāddharmayadvate:.}te:| ekaprakrtikaṃ jñā{2 ##A.## jñāna, ##C.## jñāṇa.}naṃ {3 ##C.## dharmāṇātsaṃga^.}dharmāṇāṃ saṃgavarjanam ||5|| {4 ##A. B.## drṡṭvā^.}drṡṭādipratiṡedhena tasya durbodha{5 ##A.## duvedhitoditā, ##C##. durbodhatā matā.}toditā | rūpā{6 ##B##.## nūpodi^.}dibhiravijñānā{7 ##B.## ^jñānotta^.}ttadacintyatvamiṡyate ||6|| evaṃ krtvā yathokto vai jñeya: sarvajñatānaye | ayaṃ vibhāgo ni:śeṡo vipakṡapratipakṡayo: ||7|| rūpādau tadanityādau tadapūriprapūrayo:{8 ##A.## ^rayo.} | tadasaṃgatve caryāyā: {9 ##A.B.## prayogapratiṡedhata:.}prayoga: pratiṡedhata: ||8|| avikāro na kartā ca prayogo duṡkarastridhā | yathābhavyaṃ phalaprāpteravandhyo{10 ##A.##^vandhya ‘bhima^, ##B.## ^vandho ‘bhi^, ##C.## ^vaṃdhyeti mataśca sa:.} ‘bhimataśca sa: {11 ##A.## sa.} ||9|| aparapratyayo yaśca saptadhākhyātivedaka: | caturdhā’mananā tasya rupādau samatā matā{12 ##A.## matā:, ##B. omits, C.## rūpādau samatādau sanāmatā ##(sic !)##.} ||10|| dharmajñā{13 ##B.## dharmajñānvaya^.}nānvayajñāna{14 ##A.## ^nvayajñāya^.kṡāntajñānakṡaṇātmaka: | du:khādisat{15 ##A.## ^satyadr^.}ye drṅmārga eṡa{16 ##A.B.## eṡa:} sarvajñatānaye ||11|| @017 rū{1 ##C.## rūpannityannānimatītāntaṃ ##(sic !).##}paṃ na nityaṃ nānityamatītāntaṃ viśuddhaka{2 ##B.## ^ñuddhaṃkaṃ ##(sic !)##.}m | anutpannāniruddhādi vyomābhaṃ lepavarjitam ||12|| parigraheṇa nirmuktamavyāhāraṃ svabhāvata: | {3 ##C.## yuvyāhāreṇa.}pravyāhāreṇa nāsyārtha: pareṡu prāpyate yata: ||13|| nopa{4 ##A.## nopalakr (?) datyanta^, ##B.## nopalakṡadatyanta^, ##C.## nopalambhakrdanta^.}lambhakrdatyantaviśuddhirvyādhyasaṃbhava: | {5 ##A.## apāyecchi^, ##B.## apayecchi^.}apāyocchittyakalpa{6 ##B.## ^kalpetve, ##A.C.## ^kalpatve.}tvaṃ phalasākṡātkriyāṃ prati ||14|| asaṃsargo nimittaiśca vastuni vyañjane dvayo:{7 ##A. B. C.## dvayo.} | jñānasya {8 ##C.## prācānutpattiriti.}yā cānutpattiriti sarvajña{9 ##B.## savatākṡaṇā:.}tākṡaṇa: ||15|| iti seyaṃ puna: seyaṃ seyaṃ khalu {10 ##A.## iti śeyaṃ puna: śaiyaṃ śiyaṃ khalu pumtridhā, ##B.## iti śeyaṃ puna: seyaṃ seyaṃ khalu punastridhā.}punastridhā | adhikāratrayasyaiṡā samāpti: paridīpitā ||16|| abhisamayālaṅkāre prajñāpāramitopadeśaśāstre sarvajñatādhikārastrtīya: || vastujñānaprakārā{11 ##A.## ^prakārātmyamā^ (?).}ṇāmākārā iti lakṡaṇam | sarvajñatānāṃ traividhyāttrividhā eva te matā: ||1|| @018 {1 ##C.## asadākālamā^.}asadākāramārabhya yāvanniścalatākrti: | catvāra: prā{2 ##A.## catvāra: pratiraprati satyante, ##C.## catvāraṃ pratipatyante ##(sic !)##}ta satyaṃ te mā{3 ##A.## mārgapañca^.}rge pañcadaśa smrtā: ||2|| hetau {4 ##A.## mārgaca.}mārge ca {5 ##A.B.## duṡkhe.}du:khe ca nirodhe ca yathākramam | aṡṭau te sapta pañceti ṡoḍaśeti ca kīrtitā: ||3|| smrtyupasthānamārabhya buddhatvākārapaścimā: | śi{6 ##C.## śiṡāṇāṃ.}ṡyāṇāṃ bodhisattvānāṃ buddhānāṃ ca yathākramam ||4|| {7 ##A.## saptatriśa^.}saptatriṃśaccatustriṃśanna{8 ##A. B.## triṃśanneva.}va ca te matā:{9 ##B.## matetā:.} | trisarvajñatvabhedena mārgasatyānu{10 ##C.## ^nuroṡata:.}rodhata: ||5|| krtādhikārā buddheṡu teṡū{11 ##A. B.## teṡuphabhumamūlakā: ##(sic !), C.## teṡuptaśubhamūlakā:}ptaśubhamūlakā: | {12 ##A. B.## mitraisanāthākā^, ##C.## mitraisanāthā:.}mitrai: sanāthā: kalyāṇairasyā:{13 ##A.## ^rasyā.} śravaṇabhā{14 ##A.## ^bhojanai.}janam ||6|| buddhopāsanasaṃpraśnadānaśīlādica{15 ##A.## cayaryā.}ryayā | udgrahadhāraṇādīnāṃ bhājanatvaṃ {16 ##C.## satātmatam,}satāṃ matam ||7|| rūpādiṡvanavasthānātteṡu yoganiṡedhata: | tattatha{17 ##A.## tattathāgatāgambhīra^.}tāgambhīratvātteṡāṃ {18 ##A.## ^tteṡanuravagāhata:, ##C.## duravamohata:,}duravagāhata: ||8|| @019 tadaprāmāṇyata: krcchrā{1 ##A.## krcchācireṇa.}ccireṇa pratibodhata: | vyākrtāvaviva{2 ##A.## ^tā ca nivarttātte, ##B.## ^tā cānivattyatve, ##C.## ^tāvavivartyatve.}rtyatve niryāṇe sanirantare ||9|| āsa{3 ##B.## asanna^, ##C.## āsannibodhi.}nnabodhe kṡipraṃ ca parārthe {4 ##B.## parārthe ‘vrdvyahārita:, ##A.## parārthe: vrddhyahārita:, ##C.## parārthe ‘vrddhyahānitā:.}’vrddhyahānita: | dharmādharmādyadrṡṭau ca rūpācintyādyadarśane ||10|| rūpādes{5 ##A.## rūpādestaministasya.}tannimittasya tadbhāvasyāvikalpaka: | {6 ##C.## kalaratna^.}phalaratnapradātā ca śuddhaka: sāvadhiśca sa: ||11|| mārāṇāṃ śaktihānyādiścaturdaśavidho guṇa: | doṡāśca {7 ##C.## yadvivoddhavyāśca^.}ṡaḍviboddhavyāścaturbhirdaśakai: saha ||12|| {8 ##A. C.## lakṡate.}lakṡyate yena tajjñeyaṃ lakṡaṇaṃ trividhaṃ ca {9 ##A. B.## tam.}tat | jñānaṃ viśeṡa:{10 ##A.## viśeṡakāritraṃ, ##C.## jñānaśeṡaṃkāritraṃ.} kāritraṃ svabhāvo {11 ##B.## svabhāvośca lakṡyate, ##C.## svabhāvo yaśca lakṡate.}yaśca lakṡyate ||13|| tathāgatasya nirvrttau{12 ##A. C.## nivrttau.} loke cālu{13 ##A. B.## cālupyanātmake, ##C.## ^vrttau ke cālukṡanātmake.}mpanātmake | sattvānāṃ cittacaryāsu {14 ##C.## tatasaṃkṡaye.}tatsaṃkṡepe bahirgatau ||14|| akṡayākāratāyāṃ ca sarāgādau pravi{15 ##A.## pravistate, ##C.## prastrte.}strte | {16 ##A.## mahadgate:.}mahadgate ‘pramāṇe ca vijñāne cānidarśane{17 ##A.## cānidarśanaṃ.} ||15|| @020 adrśyacittajñāne ca tadunmiñjā{1 ##A.## tadunmijodi, ##B.## tadunmiṅgādi.}disaṃjñakam{2 ##A.## saṃjñākaṃ.} | punastathatākāreṇa teṡāṃ jñānamata:{3 ##C.## ^matā: param.} param ||16|| tathatāyāṃ {4 ##A.## munebodhai, ##C.## munervādastatparā^.}munerbodhe tatparākhyānamityayam | sarvajñatādhikāreṇa jñānalakṡaṇasaṃgraha: ||17|| śūnyatve sānimitte ca {5 ##C.## praṇidhāravivarjite.}praṇidhānavivarjane | anu{6 ##B.## anutpādo.}tpādānirodhādau dharmatāyā {7 ##C.## akopata.}akopane ||18|| asaṃskāre{8 ##A. B.## asaṃskāre vika^.}’vikalpe ca prabhedālakṡaṇatvayo: | mārgajñatādhikāreṇa jñānalakṡaṇami{9 ##B.## ^mikṡate.}ṡyate ||19|| {10 ##C.## sudharmāmupaṇiśritya.}svadharmamupaniśritya vihāre tasya satkrtau | gurutve mānanāyāṃ ca tatpūjākrtakatvayo: ||20|| sarvatravrtti{11 ##C.## ^vrttimajñāna^.}saṃjñānamadrṡṭasya ca {12 ##C.## darśanaṃ.}darśakam | lokasya śūnyatākārasū{13 ##A. B.## śūcaka^, ##C.## sucaka^.}cakajñāpakā{14 ##C. omits.##}kṡagam ||21|| acintyaśā{15 ##A.## ^śātatā^.}ntatādarśi loka{16 ##C.## lokaṃ.}saṃjñānirodhi ca | jñānalakṡaṇamityuktaṃ sarvākārajñatānaye ||22|| @021 acintyādiviśeṡeṇa viśiṡṭai:{1 ##A.## viśiṡṭe:.} satyagocarai:{2 ##A.## ^gocare:.} | viśeṡalakṡaṇaṃ ṡaḍbhirdaśabhiścoditaṃ kṡaṇai:{3 ##A. omits:##} ||23|| acintyā{4 ##C.## ^tulyate.}tulyatve meya{5 ##A.## meyaṃ saṃ^.}saṃkhyayo: samatikramau | {6 ##B.## sarvāryasaṃge ho vi^, ##C.## sarvāsaṃgraho.}sarvāryasaṃgraho vijñavedyā{7 ##A. B.## ^vaidya^, ##C.## vaidyāsādhāraṇajñate.}sādhāraṇajñatve ||24|| kṡiprajñā{8 ##A.## jñānpuna^, ##B.## jñāntpuna^ ##or## ntyūna^, ##C.## jñānyuna^.}nyūnapūrṇatve pratipatsamudāgamau | ālambanaṃ ca sādhāraṃ sākalyaṃ{9 ##B.## sākalpasaṃ^.} saṃparigraha: ||25|| anāsvādaśca{10 ##A.## anāśvādaśca vijña: ṡo ‘śātmaka:, ##B.## vijñayo, ##C.## anāsvādāśca vijñeyā.}vijñeyo viśeṡa: ṡoḍaśātmaka: | viśeṡamā{11 ##A.B.## ^mārgā.}rgo mārgebhyo ye{12 ^yemānyebhyo.}nānyebhyo viśiṡyate ||26|| hitaṃ sukhaṃ ca trāṇaṃ ca śaraṇaṃ layanaṃ nrṇām | {13 ##A.## paroyaṇañca (?), ##C.## parāyanaṃ ca.}parāyaṇaṃ ca dvīpaṃ ca pariṇāyakasaṃjñakam ||27|| anābhogaṃ{14 ##A.## tibhiryā^.} tribhiryānai: phalāsākṡātkriyātmakam | paści{15 ##B.C.## paścimaṃ.}magatikāritramidaṃ kāritralakṡaṇam ||28|| kleśaliṅganimittānāṃ vipakṡapratipakṡayo: | viveko duṡkarai{16 ##A.## duṡkaraikrāṃntā^.}kāntā{17 ##A.B.## ^buddheśo, ##C.## vrddheśe.}vuddeśo ‘nupalambhaka: ||29|| @022 niṡi{1 ##C.## niṡaddhā^.}ddhābhiniveśaśca yaścālambanasaṃjñaka: | vipratyayo ‘vighā{2 ##A.## ‘vighāṃtī, ##C.## ‘vīdyātīva.}tī ca so ‘padāgatyajātika: ||30|| tathatānupalambhaśca sva{3 ##C.## svabhāvā:.}bhāva: ṡoḍaśātmaka: | {4 ##A.B.## lakṡmova, ##C.## lakṡmīva kṡataiveti ##(sic !).##}lakṡmeva lakṡyate ceti caturthalakṡaṇaṃ matam ||31|| animi{5 ##C.## pradhānādhi^.}ttapradānādisamudā{6 ##B.## samudāgema^.}gamakauśalam | sarvākārāvabodhe ‘smi{7 ##C.## ‘sminamokṡabhāgīyaśiṡyate ##(sic !).##}nmokṡabhāgīyamiṡyate ||32|| buddhādyālambanā śraddhā {8 ##A.## vīyadānā^.}vīryaṃ dānādigocaram | {9 ##C.## smrtyarāśaya^.}smrtirāśayasaṃpatti: samādhiravikalpanā ||33|| dharmeṡu sarvairākā{10 ##A. B. omits, C.## sarvarākāraijñānaṃ.}rairjñānaṃ {11 ##B.## jñānaṃ prajñati pa^.}prajñeti pañcadhā | tīkṡṇai: subodhā saṃbodhi{12 ##A. omits, C.## saṃbodhistīkṡnā: subodhā.}rdurbodhā mrdubhirmatā ||34|| ālambanaṃ sarve{13 ##A.## sarvasavā, ##C.## ālambanā: sarvasa ##(sic !)##.} sattvā ūṡmaṇāmiha śasyate | samacittādirākārasteṡveva daśa{14 ##A.## ^stenveva daśavodina:, ##B.## ^steṡveva daśavodina:, ##C.## ^steṡvava daśadhodita:.}dhodita: ||35|| svayaṃ pāpānnivrttasya dānādyeṡu sthitasya ca | {15 ##C.## yayorniyojñanānyeṡāṃ.}tayorniyojanānyeṡāṃ varṇavādānukūlate ||36|| @023 mūrdhagaṃ svaparādhāraṃ satyajñā{1 ##B.## ^jñānaṃntathā.}naṃ tathā kṡamā | tathāgradharmā vijñeyā: sattvānāṃ {2 ##A. B.## yācanā^, ##C.## pācanādhibhi:}pācanādibhi: ||37|| nirvedhāṅgānyupādāya darśanābhyāsamārgayo: | ye{3 ##C.## yo.} bodhisattvā varttante so ‘trāvaivartiko gaṇa: ||38|| rūpādibhyo nivrttyā{4 ##A.omits, C.## nivrttyādyailiṅge.}dyairliṅgairviṃ{5 ##C.## viṃśativeritai:.}śatidheritai: | {6 ##A.## nirvedhāṅge.}nirvedhāṅgasthitasyedamavaivārtakalakṡaṇam ||39|| rūpādibhyo nivrttiśca vicikitsā’kṡaṇakṡayau{7 ##A.## ^kṡayo, ##C.## ‘kṡayākṡayau.} | {8 ##B.## atmanā.}ātmanā kuśalasthasya pareṡāṃ tanni{9 ##A. C.## taniyojanam.}yojanam ||40|| parādhāraṃ ca dānādi gambhīre ‘rthe ‘pya{10 ##A.B.C.## ^ppakākṡaṇaṃ.}kāṅkṡaṇam | maitraṃ kāyādyasaṃvāsa: pañcadhāvaraṇena ca ||41|| sarvānuśayahānaṃ ca smrtasaṃprajñatā śuci | cīvarādi śarīre ca {11 ##B.## krimīṇā^, ##C.## kramīṇāma^.}krmīṇāmasamudbhava:{12 ##B.## ^bhara:.} ||42|| cittākauṭilyamādānaṃ {13 ##A. C.## dhutasyā^.}dhūtasyāmatsarāditā | {14 ##A.## dharmantā^, ##C.## dharmatāyuktatāmītvaṃ.}dharmatāyuktagāmitvaṃ lokārthaṃ narakaiṡaṇā ||43|| parairaneyatā mārasyānyamā{15 ##C.## ^rgāpadeśanā:.}rgopadeśina: | māra ityavabodhaśca caryā buddhānumoditā ||44|| @024 ūṡmamū{1 ##B.## uṡmamūrddhāsu ##(sic !), C.## ūṡāmūrddhasaskāntriṡva^ ##(sic !).##}rddhasu sakṡantiṡvagra{2 ##B. omits.##}dharmeṡu ca sthita: | liṅgaira{3 ##B.## liṃgaivamī^ ##(sic !), c.## liṅgairamībhirviṃsatyā.}mībhirviṃśatyā saṃbodherna vivartate ||45|| kṡāntijñānakṡaṇā:{4 ##A. omits:##} ṡaṭ{5 ##A.## ṡadvapaṃcacadra^, ##B.## ṡaṭcapañcapañcayadr^, ##C.## ṡaṭprapañcapañca ca drkṡathe ##(sic !).##} ca pañcapañca ca drkapathe | bodhisatvasya vijñeyamavaivartikalakṡaṇām ||46|| rūpādisaṃjñāvyāvrtti{6 ##A.## ^vrttiddārdyacittasya, ##B.## ^vrttirddācittasya, ##C.## ^vrttidārghācittasya.}rdārdyaṃ cittasya hīnayo: | {7 ##A.## yānayovini^, ##B.## pānayovini^, ##c.## yānayovini^.}yānayorvinivrttiśca dhyānādyaṅgaparikṡaya: ||47|| kāya{8 ##c.## ^cittola^.}cetolaghutvaṃ ca kāmasevābhyupāyikī | sadaiva {9 ##C.## bukṡnacāritve jīvasya ##(sic !).##}brahmacāritvamājīvasya viśuddhatā ||48|| skandhādāvantarāyeṡu sambhāre sendriyādike | samare {10 ##c.## samarādau ca.}matsarādau ca neti yogā{11 ##A.## neti yogātrayogayo, ##B.## neti yogāyogayo:, ##C.## yāganuyogayo:.}nuyogayo: ||49|| vihāraprātaṡedhaśca{12 ##A.## pratipadhaśca.} dharmasyāṇorala{13 ##A.## dharmmaspāśālarabdhatā (?), ##B.## dharmmaspāṇoralabdhato (?), ##C.## dharmasyānoralabdhatā.}bdhatā | niścitatvaṃ sva{14 ##C.## sabhūmau.}bhūmau ca bhūmitritayasaṃsthiti:{15 ##A.## ^sthita:, ##C.## bhūmitretrayamaṃsthitā:.} ||50|| @025 {1 ##C.## dharmārthaṃ.}dharmārthe jīvitatyāga ityamī ṡoḍaśa kṡaṇā: | avaivartikaliṅgā{2 ##A.## līgāni.}ni {3 ##C.## drghmārgasthasya.}drṅmārgasthasya dhīma{4 ##C.## vimatta ##(sic !).##}ta: ||51|| gambhīro bhāvanāmārgo gāmbhīryaṃ śūnyatādikam | samāro{5 ##B.## samorāpāyavādāttamu^, ##A.## samāropāyavādāttamu^, ##C.## samāropapāvādāttamu^.}pāpavādāttamuktatā sā gabhīratā ||52|| cintātula{6 ##B.## ^tulanamidhyā^.}nanidhyānānyabhīkṡṇāṃ bhāvanāpatha:{7 ##C.## ^matha:.} | nirvedhā{8 ##C.## nirvedhāṅgepradrṅmārga.}ṅgeṡu drṅmārge bhāvanāmārga eva ca ||53|| {9 ##A.## prāvakatvādi^, ##B.## prārandhi^.}prāvandhikatvādiṡṭo {10 ##B.## ^diṡṭāsau.}’sau {11 ##C.## navavā.}navadhā ca prakārata: | mrdumadhyādhimātrāṇāṃ {12 ##A.## punasmrddhāpi^ (?).}punarmrdvādibhedata: ||54|| {13 ##A.## asaṅkhayāyādi^, ##B.## asaṃkhyayādi^.}asaṃkhyeyādinirdeśā: paramārthena {14 ##c.## rakṡama: ##(sic !)).##}na kṡamā: | krpāniṡya{15 ##C.## ^niṡpanna^.}ndabhūtāste saṃvrttyābhimatā mune: ||55|| na hānivr{16 ##A.## ^vrddhi pūjyaṃte, ##C.## hānivrddhinuyūhyate ##(sic !).##}ddhī pujyete nirālāpasya vastuna: | bhāvanākhyena kiṃ hīnaṃ vartma{17 ##A. omits.##}nā kimudāgatam ||56|| yathā bodhistathai{18 ##B.## tathāvāsā^.}vāsāviṡṭasyārthasya sādhaka: | tathatālakṡaṇā bodhi: so ‘pi {19 ##A.## mopi talakṡaṇe, ##C.## sopillakṡaṇo.}tallakṡaṇo mata: ||57|| @026 pūrveṇa bodhirno{1 ##A.## nīmūktā (?), ##B.## nīmuktā, ##C.## ^rnoyuktā.} yuktā manasā paścimena vā | dīpadrṡṭāntayogena gambhīrā dharmatāṡṭadhā ||58|| utpāde ca nirodhe ca tatha{2 ##A.## tathātāyā^.}tāyāṃ gabhīratā | jñeye jñāne ca{3 ##A. omits## ca.} caryāyāmadvayopāyakauśale ||59|| svapnopamatvāddharmāṇāṃ bhavaśā{4 ##C.## sāntyo ca kalpanā.}ntyorakalpanā | karmābhāvādicodyā{5 ##C.## codhyānāṃ.}nāṃ parihāro{6 ##A.## parihāṇyaśodita:, ##B.## pārahārāyaścoditā:, ##C.## parihārā yā vodhitā:.} yathodita: ||60|| {7 ##A.## yatvaloka^.}sattvalokasya yā ‘śuddhistasyā: {8 ##A.## śuddhyapatrārata: ##or## ^paḍārata:, ##C.## staddhurahāratā: ##(sic !).}śuddhyupahārata: | tathā bhājñanalokasya buddhakṡetrasya śuddhatā ||61|| viṡayo ‘sya prayogaśca śā{9 ##C.## mātravāṇāma^.}travāṇāmatikrama: | apratiṡṭhā yathāvedhamasādhāraṇalakṡaṇā: ||62|| asakto ‘nupalambhaśca nimittapraṇidhikṡata: | {10 ##A. B.## talliṅgaścāpra^.}talliṅgaṃ cāpramāṇaṃ ca daśadhopāyakauśalam ||63|| abhisamayālaṅkāre prajñāpāramitopadeśaśāstre sarvākārābhisaṃbodhādhikāraścaturtha: || @027 svapnāntare 'pi svapnā{1 ##B.## svapnobha^, ##C.## svapnābhā^.}bhasarvadharmekṡaṇādikam | mūrddhaṃ prāptasya yogasya liṅgaṃ dvādaśaṃdhā matam ||1|| jāmbudvīpajaneya{2 ##C.## ^yatto.}ttābuddhapūjā{3 ##B. C.## ^pūjāṃ.}śubhādikam | upamāṃ bahudhā krtvā vivrddhi: ṡoḍaśātmikā ||2|| trisarvajñatvadharmāṇāṃ {4 ##C.## pariranuttarā.}paripūriranuttarā | aparityakta{5 ##C.## ^sarvārthā.}sattvārthā nirūḍhirabhidhīpate ||3|| catudvīrpakasāhasradvitrisāhasrakopamā: | krtvā puṇyabahutvena samādhi: parikīrtita: ||4|| pravrttau ca ni{6 ##B. repeats## nivrttau ca ##twice.##}vrttau ca {7 ##C.## pratikaṃ.}pratyekaṃ tau navā{8 ##C.## naivātmakau ##(sic !).##}tmakau | grāhyau vikalpau vijñeyāvayathāviṡayātmakau ||5|| dravyaprajñaptisatsattve vikalpau grāhakau matau | prthagjanāryabhedena pratyekaṃ tau navātmakau ||6|| grāhyau {9 ##A.## ccenna ##(sic !).##}cenna tathā sto ‘rtho kasya tau grāha{10 ##C.## grāhako mato.}kau matau | iti grāhakabhāvena śūnyatā lakṡaṇaṃ tayo: ||7|| eṡa svabhāve gotre{11 ##A. omits all that follows## gotre ##up to## ‘dhimasya ##v. 10##.} ca pratipatsamudāgame | jñānasyālambanābhrāttau vipa{12 ##C.## pratipakṡavipakṡayo:.}kṡapratipakṡayo: ||8|| @028 svasminnadhigame kartrta{1 ##B.## takāritra^, ##C.## tatkāritrātva.}tkāritrakriyāphale | pravrttipakṡādhiṡṭhāno vikalpo navadhā mata: ||9|| bhavaśāntiprapātitvāt nyūnatve ‘dhigamasya ca | parigrahasyābhāve ca vaikalye pratipaṃ gate ||10|| parapratyayagāmitve samuddeśe{2 ##B. C.## samuddeśani^.} nivartane{3 ##A.## ^vartane:, ##C.## ^vartanai.} | {4 ##C.## prādeśakatvenanānātuṡṭāna^ ##(sic !), A. B.## ādeśikatve.}prādeśikatve nānātve sthānaprasthānamohayo: ||11|| prṡṭhato gamane ceti vikalpo ‘yaṃ navātmaka: | nivrttipa{5 ##A.## nivrttī^.}kṡādhiṡṭhāna:{6 ##A.## ^dhisthāna:.} śrāvakādima{7 ##A.## ^ṡanobhava:.}nobhava: ||12|| grāhaka: prathamo jñeyo grahaṇapratimokṡaṇe | ma{8 ##A.## manakriyā^, ##C.## manaskriyāṃ ca dhātūnāṃ.}naskriyāyāṃ dhātūnāmupaśleṡe trayasya ca ||13|| sthāne{9 ##A.## sthānenā^, ##B.## sthāne vā.} cābhiniveśe ca prajña{10 ##A.## ^jñapto.}ptau dharmavastuna: | {11 ##A. B. C.## śaktau.}saktau ca pratipakṡe ca {12 ##C.## yathecche.}yathecchaṃ ca gatikṡatau ||14|| {13 ##A.## yathādeśa^.}yathoddeśamaniryāṇe{14 ##B. omits. A.## ^niryāṇo ‘mārgā^.} mārgāmārgāvadhāraṇe | sanirodhe samutpāde vastuyogaviyogayo: ||15|| sthāne gotra{15 ##C.## gotrasya nī ||}sya nāśe ca prārthanāhetvābhāvayo:{16 ##A. omits: C.## prārthanāhetubhāvayo.} | pratyarthikopalambhe ca vikalpo grāhako ‘para: ||16|| @029 bodhau saṃdarśanā{1 ##B.## ^darśanāddyauṡā^, ##A.## ^darśanādyeṡāṃ.}nyeṡāṃ taddhetośca parīndanā | tatprāptyanantaro hetu: puṇyabāhulyalakṡaṇa: ||17|| kṡayānutpā{2 ##A.omits.##}dayorjñānaṃ{3 ##A.B.C.## jñāne.} malānāṃ bodhirucyate | {4 ##C.## kṡayābhāvānutpādāṃtte ##(sic !).##} kṡayābhāvādanutpādātte hi jñeye yathākramam ||18|| prakrtāvaniruddhāyāṃ darśanākhyena vartmanā | vika{5 ##C. omits.##}lpajñātaṃ kiṃ kṡīṇaṃ kiṃ {6 ##A.## vānutpa^.}cānutpattimāgatam{7 ##B.## ^māgamaṃ.} ||19|| sattā{8 ##A.## satvācanāma^ ##or ?## sabhāvanāma^, ##B. C.## satvācanāma^.} ca nāma dharmāṇāṃ jñeye vāvaraṇakṡaya: | kathyate yat{9 ##B.## ^tpurai:.}parai: śāsturatra vismīyate mayā ||20|| nāpaneyamata: kiṃcitpra{10 ##A.## ^tprekṡepta^, ##B.## ^tprakṡapta^.}kṡeptatyaṃ na kiṃ ca{11 ##A.## ^vyannakiṃci, ##C.## ^vyannakiñcanā.}na | {12 ##A.B.## draṡṭavyaṃ, ##C.## duṡṭavyaṃ.}draṡṭavyaṃ bhūtato bhūtaṃ bhūtadarśo vimucyate ||21|| ekaikasyaiva dānādau teṡāṃ ya: saṃgraho mitha: | sa ekakṡaṇika{13 ##A. B.## ^ka:.}kṡāntisrṃgahīto ‘tra dr{14 ##C.## drkṡatha:.}kapatha: ||22|| {15 ##C.## samādhisamāpadyatāsiṃhavikṡimbhitaṃ ##(sic !).##}samādhiṃ sa samāpadya tata: siṃhavijrmbhitam | anulomavilomaṃ ca pratītyotpādamīkṡate ||23|| @030 kāmāptamavadhīkrtya vijñānamasamāhita{1 ##A.## ^hita ||}m | sa{2 ##C.## sannirodha:.}nirodhā: samāpattīrgatvāgamya nava dvidhā ||24|| ekādvatricatuṡpañcaṡaṭsaptāṡṭavyātakramāt | a{3 ##C.## avaskandha^.}vaskandasamāpattirānirodhamatulyagā ||25|| saṃ{4 ##A.## saṃkṡepe stire (?).}kṡepe vistare buddhai: sā{5 ##C.## sānārthonāparigrahe.}nādhyenāparigrahe | traikālike guṇābhāve śreyasastrividhe pathi ||26|| eko grāhyavikalpo ‘yaṃ prayogākāragocara: | dvitīyaścittacaittānāṃ pravrttiviṡayo mata:{6 ##A.B.## gata:.} ||27|| anutpādastu cittasya bodhimaṇḍāmanaskriyā | hīnayānamanaskārau saṃbodhera{7 ##A.## saṃbodhenamana^.}manaskrti: ||28|| bhāvane ‘bhāvane caiva tadviparyaya eva ca | ayathārthaśca{8 ##A.## ayathāthaśca vijñeyā, ##B.## ayathārthāśca vijñeyā, ##C.## avithārthaśca.} vijñeyo vika{9 ##B.## vikalpau.}lpo bhāvanāpathe ||29|| grāhaka: pratha{10 ##A.B.## prathamā.}mo jñeya: {11 ##B.## satyapra^.}sattvaprajñaptigocara: | dharmaprajñaptyaśūnyatve saktipravicayā{12 ##A.## saktiṡuviṡayātmaka:, ##B.## saktiṡuviṡacayātmaka:, ##C.## dharmaprāpyaśūtvasaktapravicayātmaka:.}tmaka: ||30|| @031 krtena vastuno yānatritaye{1 ##B.## ^tritayeva ##(sic !), C.## ^tritaye saṃkīrtitā.} ca sa kīrtita: | da{2 ##A.## dadakṡiṇa, ##C.## dakṡaṇāyā.}kṡiṇāyā aśuddhau ca caryāyāśca vikopa{3 ##A.## vikopanaṃ, ##B.## viṃkopana.}ne ||31|| sattvaprajñaptitaddhetuviṡayo{4 ##A.B.## viṡayānavadhāpara:.} navadhā ‘para: | bhāvanāmārgasaṃbaddho vipakṡastadvighāta{5 ##A.## vighātaya:, ##B.## vighātata:.}ta: ||32|| sarvajñatānāṃ ti{6 ##B.## tisrṇā, ##C. omits.##}srṇāṃ yathāsvaṃ trividhāvrtau | śāntimārgatatha{7 ##A.B.## ^tathātādi.}tādisaṃpra{8 ##C.## saṃprayogayo:.}yogaviyogayo: ||33|| asamatve ca du:khādau kleśānāṃ prakrtāvapi | dva{9 ##B.## dayābhāve.}yābhāve ca saṃmohe vikalpa: pāścamo mata: ||34|| ā{10 ##A.## āśāṃkṡaye martānīnāṃ, ##B.## āsāṃkṡaye matītīnāṃ.}sāṃ kṡaye satītīnāṃ cirāyocchū{11 ##A. B.## cirāyocchusitā, ##C.## cipāpaucchusitā ##(sic !).##}sitā iva | sarvākāraja{12 ##A.## ^jñagasmaukhya^, ##C.## sarvākārājagatsaukhya^.}gatsaukhyasādhanā guṇāsaṃpada: ||35|| sarvā:{13 ##A.## sarvāsarvā^.} sarvābhisāreṇa nikāmaphalaśā{14 ##A.B.## sālinaṃ, ##C.## śālinā.}linam | bhajante taṃ{15 ##A.## tvaṃ, ##C.## tamāha || sattvamahodadhimivāparā.} mahāsattvaṃ mahodadhimivāpagā: ||36|| trisāhasrajanaṃ śiṡyakhaḍgādhigama{16 ##C.## ^dhigamampadi.}saṃpadi | bodhisattvasya ca nyāye{17 ##A. B.## nyāme.}pratiṡṭhāpyaśubhopamā: ||37|| @032 krtvā puṇyabahutvena buddhatvāptera{1. ##A.B.## ^tvāptarana^, ##C## buddhatāpteranantara:.}nantara: | ānantaryasamādhi: sa sarvākārajñatā ca tat ||38|| ālambanamabhāvo ‘sya smrtiścādhipatirmata: | ākāra: śā{2. ##A.## śāntavātra ja^, ##C. omits.##}ntatā cātra jalpājalpipravādinām ||39|| ālambanopapattau ca tatsvabhā{3. ##A.## ^bhāvovadhāraṇe.}vāvadhāraṇe | sarvākārajñatājñā{4. ##C.## ^jñānena.}ne paramārthe sasaṃvrttau ||40|| prayoge triṡu ratneṡu {5. ##B.## sāpāye.}sopāye samaye mune: | viparyāse samārge ca pratipakṡavipakṡayo: ||41|| lakṡaṇe bhāvanāyāṃ ca matā vipratipattaya: | sarvākārajñatādhā{6. ##C.## ^dhīrā:.}rā: ṡoḍhā daśa ca vādinām ||42|| abhisamayālaṅkāre prajñāpāramitopadeśaśāstre mūrddhābhisamayādhikāra: pañcama: dānena prajñayā yāvadbuddhādau smrtibhiśca sā | dharmābhāvasvabhāvenetyanupūrvakriyā {7. ##C. omits##.}matā ||1|| abhisamayālaṅkāre prajñāpāramitopadeśaśāstre ‘nupūrvābhisamayādhikāra: ṡaṡṭha: @033 anāsra{1. ##A. B.## nāśravā^, ##C.## anāmravāṇāṃ.}vāṇāṃ sarveṡā{2. ##A. B.## sarveṡāṃme^(##sic !), C.## sarvaṡāme^.}mekaikenāpi saṃgrahāt{3. ##A.## ^grahā.} | e{4. ##C.## ekakṡaṇā ca saṃbodheyaṃ,}kakṡaṇāvabodho ‘yaṃ {5. ##B.## jñayā ##sic!##).}jñeyo dānādinā mune:{6. ##A. B. omit.## :} ||1|| a{7. ##A.## araghaṭaṃ, ##B.## araghaṭṭaṃ, ##C.## araghaṭgaṃ}raghaṭṭaṃ yathaikāpi padikā puruṡeritā | sakr{8. ##C.## sakṡaṃ sarvavalayati.}tsarvaṃ cālayati jñānamekakṡaṇe tathā ||2|| vipākadharmatāvasthā sarvaśuklamayī yadā | prajñāpāramitā jñātā jñānamekakṡaṇe ta{9. ##A. B.## tathā.}dā ||3|| {10. ##C.## svapnopameṡu sarvadharmeṡu.}svapnopameṡu dharmeṡu sthitvā dānādicaryayā | alakṡaṇātvaṃ dharmāṇāṃ kṡaṇenaikena vinda{11. ##A.## vidati.}ti ||4|| {12. ##A.## svapnaṃnta^.}svapnaṃ taddarśanaṃ caiva{13. ##A.## caiva, ##B.## ceva.} dvayogena nekṡate | dha{14. ##A.## dharmāṇāṃma^.}rmāṇāmadvayaṃ tatvaṃ kṡaṇonaikena paśyati ||5|| abhisamayālaṅkāre prajñāpāramitopadeśaśāstre ekakṡaṇābhisamayādhikāra: saptama: || {15. ##C.## sarvākāraviśuddhiṃ.}sarvākārāṃ viśuddhiṃ ye dharmā: prāptā nirāsravā: | svābhāviko mune: kāyas{16. ##A.## ^steṡā.}teṡāṃ prakrtilakṡaṇa:{17. ##A## ^lakṡaṇa:. ##C.## prakrtyalakṡaṇā:.} ||1|| @034 bodhipakṡāpramāṇāni vimokṡā{1. ##C.## dhimokṡā anupūrvaṇa:} anupūrvaśa: | navātmikā samāpatti: kr{2. ##A.## krṡṇātsvandaśavi^, ##C.## krtsnadeśavi^.}tsnaṃ daśavidhātmakam ||2|| a{3. ##A. B.## abhidvāpa^, ##C.## abhivāya^.}bhibhvāyatanā{4. ##B.## ^patanāṃdya^, ##A.## ^patanādyaṡṭha^, ##C. ^patinānyasta.}nyaṡṭaprakārāṇi prabhedata: | araṇā praṇidhijñāna{5. ##A.## ^jñānaṃma^.}mabhijñā: pra{6. ##C.## pratisaṃvidhā:.}tisaṃvida: ||3|| sarvākārāścatasro ‘tha śu{7. ##A.## śuddhaye.}ddhayo va{8. ##C.## vaṇitā.}śitā daśa | va{9. ##A. B. omit## balāni daśa.}lāni daśa {10 ##A.## vāri.}catvāri vaiśāradyānya{11. ##A. B.## vaiśāradyādyalakṡaṇaṃ, ##C.## vaiśāradyānvarakṡaṇaṃ.}rakṡaṇām ||4|| trividhaṃ smrtyupasthānaṃ tridhāsammoṡadharmatā | vāsanāyā: samu{12. ##C.## samudyāto.}dghāto mahatī karuṇā jane ||5|| āveṇikā munereva dharmā ye ‘ṡṭādaśeritā: | sarvākārajñatā ceti dharmakāyo ‘bhidhīyate ||6|| śrāvakasyāraṇādrṡṭernrkle{13 ##C.## drṡṭetatkleśaparipariharitā ##(sic !)##.}śaparihāritā | tatkleśasrotaucchittyai grāmādiṡu jināraṇā ||7|| anābhogamanābhaṅgamavyāghātaṃ sadā sthitam | sarvapraśnāpanu{14. ##A.## ^panuddhoddhaṃm ##B##. ^panudbauddhaṃ, ##C.## ^yenuddhauddhaṃ ##(sic !)##dbauddhaṃ {15. ##A.## praṇadhi^.}praṇidhijñānamiṡyate ||8|| @035 paripākaṃ gate hetau yasya yasya yadā yadā | hitaṃ bhavati kartavyaṃ pra{1 ##C.## prate.}dhate tasya tasya sa: ||9|| {2. ##C.## dharmatyapi hi (##sic !##).}varṡatyapi hi parjanye{3. ##A.## pajanya (##sic !),C.## paryanya.} naivā{4 ##A. B.## naivājīvaṃ.}bījaṃ pra{5. ##C.## virohati.}rohati | sa{6. ##A. B.## samutpāde vibuddhānāṃ.}mutpāde’pi buddhānāṃ nābhavyo bhadramaśnute ||10|| iti kāritravaipulyādbuddho vyāpī nirucyate | akṡayatvācca tasyaiva nitya ityapi ka{7. ##A.## kathyate:.}thyate ||11|| dvātriṃśallakṡaṇāśītivyañjanātmā munerayam | sāmbhogiko ma{8. ##C.## matā:.}ta: kāyo mahāyānopabhogata: ||12|| cakrāṅkahastakramakūrmapādo | jālāvanaddhāṅgulipāṇipāda:{9. ##A. B## ^pādaka:.} | karau sapādau taruṇau mr{10. ##B.## mrdu ca, ##C.## mrdu: va (##sic !##). dva ca | samutsadai: saptabhirāśrayo ‘sya ||13|| dīrghāṅgulirvyāyatapā{11 ##A.## pāṡṇi^ ##(sic !##}.rṡṇir, gātra{12. ##B## grātraṃ.}m | prājyamrjū{13. ##A.## prāṅkamrju^, ##C.## prākṡarārūha^(?)}cchaṅkhapadordhvaromā{14 ##A.## ^khayadoddharāyā, ##C.## ^khapadorddharomā.} | aiṇoya{15 eṇoya.}jaṅcaśca pa{16 ##A.## paṭuruddhavāhu:, ##C##. paṭukāvāṅga:.}ṭūrubāhu: | kośā{17 ##A. B.## kośāvavāno^.}vadhānottamavastiguhya: ||14|| @036 suvarṇavarṇa: pratanuccha{1 ##A.## pratimanucchavi^.}viśca | pradakṡiṇaikaikasujātaromā | {2. ##A.## ūnnoki^.}ūrṇāṅkitāsyo haripūrvakāya: | skandhau vrttāvasya citāttarāṃsa:{3. ##A.## ^rāsaṃ:, ##B.## ^rāṃśa:.} ||15|| hīno rasa: khyāti rasottamo ‘sya | nyagrodha{4. ##A.## nyagrodhamanmaṇḍa^, ##B.## nyagrovanmaṇḍa^ (##sic !), C##. nyagrādhavanma^.}vanmaṇḍalatulyamūrti: | uṡṇīṡarmūrddhā prthucārujihvo | brahmasvara: siṃhahanuśca,{5. ##A.## ^hanu:, ##B.## ^hanu^.}. śuklā: ||16|| tulyāpramāṇāviralāśca dattā | anyū{6 ##B.## anyuna^, ##C.## ’ntyanusaṃkhyā.}nasaṃkhyā da{7. ##A. B.## dasikā^, ##C.## daścikā^.}śikāścatasra: | {8 ##A.## nīlakṡaṇo, ##C.## nīlekṡa.}nīlekṡaṇo {9 ##B.## gevrṡa (##sic !), C.## gāvrṡa.}govrṡapakṡmanetro | dvātriṃśadetāni hi lakṡaṇāni ||17|| yasya yasyātra yo heturlakṡaṇasya {10 ##C.## prasādata:.}prasādhaka: | tasya tasya prapū{11 ##A. B.## prapūyyāryaṃ.}ryāyaṃ samudāgamalakṡaṇa: ||18|| gurū{12 ##B.## guruṇāmannapānādi, ##C.## guruṇāmunayānārdadatā.}ṇāmanuyānādi drḍhatā saṃvaraṃ prati | saṃgraho sevanaṃ dānaṃ praṇītasya ca vastuna: ||19|| @037 va{1 ##A.## vedhya (?), ##B.## vadhya.}dhyamokṡa: samādānaṃ vivrddhi: kuśalasya ca | ityādiko yathāsūtraṃ heturlakṡaṇasādhaka: ||20|| tāmrasnig{2. ##A. B.## snignāśca.}dhāśca tuṅgāśca nakhā aṅgulayo mune: | vrttāścitānupūrvāśca gū{3. ##A.## guḍha^.}ḍhā nirgra{4. ##A. B.## nigranlaya:.}nthaya: śirā: ||21|| gū{5. ##A. C.## gūḍhai.}ḍhau gul{6. ##A.## gulphai, ##B. C.## gulpho.}phau samau pādau siṃhebhadvijagopate: | vikrāttaṃ dakṡiṇaṃ cāru gamanamrju va{7. ##A. B.## vrrttate, ##C.## rkṡuṃ varttate.}rtate ||22|| mr{8. ##A. B.## srṡṭa.}ṡṭānupūrvate me{9. ##A.## madhya.}dhyamrdutve śuddhagātratā | pūrṇavyañja{10 ##A.## vyañjatā.}natā cāruprthumaṇḍalagātratā ||23|| samakramatvaṃ śu{11 ##C. omits.##}ddhatvaṃ netrayo: suku{12 ##A.## netrayośukramāratā, ##B.## sukramāratā.}māratā | adīnotsadagātratve susaṃhatanagātratā ||24|| suvibhaktāṅgatā dhāttapradhvastālokaśuddhatā | vrttamrṡṭākṡatakṡāmakukṡitā ca, gabhīratā ||25|| dakṡiṇāvartatā nābhe: samattādda{13 ##A. C.## samattādarśa^.}rśanīyatā | samācāra: śuci: kālatilakāpagatā tanu: ||26|| karau tūlamrdū snigdhagambhīrāyatalekhatā | nātyāyataṃ vaco bimbapra{14 ##C. omits.##}tibimbopamauṡṭha{15 ##A.## ^moṡṭhatā.}tā ||27|| @038 mrdvī tanvī ca raktā ca jihvā jīmūtaghoṡatā{1 ##A.## ^tāṃ.} | cārumañju{2. ##A.## ^maju^.}svaro, daṃṡṭra{3 ##A.## draṡṭrā, ##C.## drṡṭa:.} vrttāstīkṡṇā: sitā: samā: ||28|| ānupū{4 ##A.## ^pūrvogatāstaṃga^.}rvīṃ gatāstuṅgā nāsikā paramaṃ śuci: | viśāle nayane pa{5 ##A.## yakṡma^, ##C.## pakṡavita^.}kṡmacitapadmadala{6 ##A.## ^dalākṡatā.}kṡitā ||29|| ā{7 ##A. B.## ^kṡṇamasnigdha^, ##C.## ^kṡṇasasragdhi^.}yataślakṡṇasusnigdhasa{8 ##A.## samaroṡṇau (?), ##B.## samaroṡṭau, ##C.## samarausrau.}maromnau bhru{9 ##A.##bhuvo, ##B.## bhruvau.}vau bhu{10 ##A.## bhujo.}jau | pīnā{11 ##A. B.## pīnāpato.}yatau samau karṇāvupa{12 ##A.## ^vudaghāta^, ##C.## ^vupadyāta^.}ghātaviva{13 ##A. omits.##}rjitau ||30|| {14. ##A. B.## lalāṭamapariglānaṃ.}lalāṭamaparimlānaṃ prthu pūrṇottamā{15 ##A.## ^māgatā.}ṅgatā | {16 ##A.## bhramarāśitā, ##B.## bhramarāśitāśca^, ##C.## bhramarābhāvāścitā:.}bhramarābhāścitā {17 ##A.## śnikṡā.}ślakṡṇā asaṃlu{18. ##A.## luhatimū^, ##C.## ^rutritamūrttayā: (##sic !).##}litamūrtaya: ||31|| keśā aparuṡā: puṃsāṃ {19 ##C.## saurabhyāyapahāriṇā.}saurabhyādapahāriṇa: | śrovatsa: svastikaṃ ceti buddhānāṃ vyañjanaṃ mata{20 ##A. B.## matim.}m ||32|| karoti yena citrā{21 ##A. B.## cittāni.}ṇi hitāni jagata: samam | ā{22 ##A.## ābhavā so, ##B.## ābhavātsaunupacchanna:}bhavātso ‘nupacchinna: kāyo{23 ##A.## naimāṇiko (##sic !), B##. nairyyāṇikā.}nairmāṇiko mune: ||33|| @039 tathā karmāpyanucchinnamasyāsaṃsāramiṡyate | ga{1 ##A. B.## matīsāśanena, ##C.## gatenāṃśamanaṃkarma.}tīnāṃ śamane karma saṃgrahe ca caturvidhe ||34|| niveśa{2 ##B.## niveśanamasaṃkleśe. ##C.## niveśaṇaṃ saṃkleśe.}naṃ sasaṃkleśe vyavadānāvabodha{3. ##A.## ^bodhanā, ##C.## vyavadhānāvodhane.}ne | sattvānāmarthayāthā{4 ##A.## ^yāthātsye, ##B.## ^yāthātmye, ##C.## yāthātmeṡu.}tmye ṡaṭsu pāramitāsu ca ||35|| buddhamārge prakrtyaiva śūnyatāyāṃ dvayakṡa{5 ##A.## ^kṡayaṃ.}ye | saṃkete ‘nupalambhe ca pa{6 ##C.## paripācake ca.}ripāke ca dehinām ||36|| {7 ##A.## bodhisattvesya mārge.} bodhisattvasya mārge {8 ##C.## ‘bhiniveśya.}’bhiniveśasya nivāraṇe | bodhiprāptau jinakṡetre{9 ##A.## ^kṡatraṃ.} viśuddhau niyatiṃ prati ||37|| aprameye ca sattvārthe buddha{10 ##C.## sevāhite.}sevādike gu{11 ##B.## tuṇe.}ṇe | bodheraṅgeṡvanā{12 ##C.## nāse.}śe ca karmaṇāṃ satyadarśane{13 ##A.## ^darśanaṃ.} ||38|| viparyāsaprahāṇe ca tadavastukatānaye | vyavadāne sa{14 ##A. B.## samastāre.}saṃbhāre saṃs{15 ##A. B.## mandatāsaṃskrte.}krtāsaṃskrte prati ||39|| v{16 ##C.## vyutibhe^.}yatibhedāparijñāne nirvāṇe ca niveśane | dharmakāyasya karmedaṃ{17 ##B. omits##} saptaviṃśatidhā matam ||40|| abhisamayālaṅkāre prajñāpāramitopadeśaśāstre dharmakāyādhikāro ‘ṡṭama: @040 lakṡaṇaṃ ta{1 ##A. repeats## tatprayogasta^ ##twice, C.## tatprayogatatprakarṡa^.}tprayogastatprakarṡastadanukrama: | tanniṡṭhā ta{2 ##A.B.## tadvamākaśce^.}dvipākaścetyanya: ṡoḍhā{3 ##A.## pāśerthamagraha:, ##B.## pośerthamagraha:, ##C.## bodhārthasaṃgraha:.}rthasaṃgraha: ||1|| viṡaya{4 ##B.## ^stitayo hetu:.}stritayo hetu: prayoga{5 ##A.## ayogeśca, ##B##. ayogaśca^, ##C## prayogaścarātmaka:.}ścaturātmaka: | dharmakāyaphalaṃ ka{6 ##A.## karma:, ##B.## karma.}rma a{7 ##A. B.## anāstedhārthamagraha: (##sic !), C.## ^tyanustedhārya^.}nyastredhārthasaṃgraha: ||2|| abhisamayālaṅkāraṃ nāma prajñāpāramitopadeśaśāstraṃ samāptam || krtirāryamaitreyanāthasya ||